Sokrates Etiği ve Sanat

Sokrates; Platon ve Aristoteles’le birlikte Antik Yunanistan’ýn en büyük düþünürlerindendir. Hiçbir yazýlý eser býrakmamýþ olduðundan onun felsefi düþüncelerini öðrenmek, ikincil kaynaklardan mümkün olmaktadýr. Bunlar; öðrencisi Platon’un, etkinliðinin erken döneminde kaleme aldýðý diyaloglar ve yazar Xenophon’un Sokrates’e dair anýlarý derlediði “Memorabilia”dýr. Bu eserler; yalnýzca onun düþüncesinin önemli ipuçlarýný içermekle kalmaz ama tarihi kiþiliði hakkýnda da bilgi verirler.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sokrates, Etiği, Sanat

Socrates, art, Plato, Xenophon, Athens

Socrates (469-399 B.C) was one of the greatest thinkers of Ancient Greece but he also effected thewhole history of thought. As he didn’t write anything, we are depended on Plato’s and Xenophon’swritings to learn his thought. While Plato’s early dialogues have important clues on Socratic thought,Xenophon’s “Memorabilia” reflects his personality and point of view of life. Because he was firstlya moralist, his ideas on human life and human activity shows this side of him. And art, as one of themost common activities of Ancient Greece couldn’t be left without mentioning by him. Accordingto Socrates, artistic creations could have been called beautiful only if they were useful and good