The Limits of European Integration: The Question of European Identity
The Limits of European Integration: The Question of European Identity
Makalede Avrupa Birliği entegrasyon sürecinde karşılaşılan temel sorunlardan biri olan Avrupa Kimliği tartışılmaktadır. Böyle bir kimliğin varolup olmadığı, yoksa oluşturulmasının gerekli olup olmadığı tartışılmakta ve bu süreçte hangi araçların kullanıldığı incelenmektedir. Ayrıca Avrupa kimliği inşa süreciyle ulusal kimliklerin inşa süreci arasındaki benzerlikler ve farklılıklara değinilerek; Avrupa kimliği, ulusal kimlik ve bölgesel kimliklerin AB içindeki pozisyonu incelenmektedir.
- 1.Paul Taylor, The EU in the 1990's, Oxford, Oxford Unv. Press, 1996,p.l40
- 2.William Wallace, Regional Integration: The West European Experience, Washington, The Brookings Institution,1994, pp.58-59.
- 3.Ibid.,p.86.
- 4.Brigid Laffan , "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1, March 1996, p.89.
- 5.John Erik Fossum, "Identity Politics in the European Union", European Integration, Vol. 23, No. 4, July 2001, p. 388.
- 6.B. Laffan, "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", p.100.
- 7.P. Taylor, The EU in the 1990's, p.158.
- 8.Dirk Jacobs & Robert Maier, "European Identity: Construct, Fact and Fiction" in M. Gastelaars & A. De Ruj iter (eds.), A United Europe: The Quest for a Multifaceted Identity, Maastricht: Shaker Pub., pp.18-19.
- 9.B. Laffan, "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", p.100.
- 10.D. Jacobs & R. Maier, "European Identity: Construct, Fact and Fiction" ,pp. 20-23.
- 11.B. Laffan , "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", pp.88-89.
- 12.Ibid., pp.95-96.
- 13.P. Taylor, The EU in the 1990's, pp.143-144.
- 14.B. Laffan, "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", p. 96.
- 15.J. E. Fossum, "Identity Politics in the European Union", p. 374.
- 16.Montserrat Guibernau, "Introduction: Unity and Diversity in Europe" in M. Guibernau (ed.) , Governing European Diversity, London: Sage Pub., 2001, p.27.
- 17.D. Jacobs& R. Maier, "European Identity: Construct, Fact and Fiction" , pp.19-20.
- 18.B. Laffan , "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", p.97.
- 19.Josep R. Llobera, "What Unites Europeans?" in M. Guibernau (ed.) , Governing European Diversity, pp.188-189.
- 20.B. Laffan, "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", p.91.
- 21.J.E. Fossum, "Identity Politics in the European Union", p.378-379.
- 22.W. Wallace, Regional Integration: The West European Experience, p.83.
- 23.J. R. Llobera, "What Unites Europeans?", pp.178-179.
- 24.A. Smith, "The Myth of the Modern Nation and the Myths of Nations", Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol 11, January 1988, p.14 in B. Laffan, "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", p.85.
- 25.A. Smith, "National Identity and the Idea of a European Unity", International Affairs, Vol. 68, January 1992, p.62 in B. Laffan , "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", p .98.
- 26.P. Taylor, The EU in the 1990's, pp.148-149.
- 27.B. Laffan, "The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe", pp. 98-99.
- 28.J. R. Llobera, "What Unites Europeans?", p.176.
- 29.J.E.Fossum, "Identity Politics in the European Union", pp. 400-401.
- 30.Ibid., pp. 375-376.