Gelişmiş Ülke Ekonomilerinde Borçlanmanın Sonu: Maastricht Kriterleri Örneği

Preference of borrowingas a usual procedure of public income has triggered the tendencies towards excessive spending in the administration of the national economy. However excessive amount of debts has reached an alarming level, which makes the national economies feel the need to impose limits of financing public expenditures with national or foreign loans. This article, whit in the problematic presented above, discusses the efficiency of the Maasticht Criteria the chief example in this area with its self impossing rules on the member countries.


Preference of borrowingas a usual procedure of public income has triggered the tendencies towards excessive spending in the administration of the national economy. However excessive amount of debts has reached an alarming level, which makes the national economies feel the need to impose limits of financing public expenditures with national or foreign loans. This article, whit in the problematic presented above, discusses the efficiency of the Maasticht Criteria the chief example in this area with its self impossing rules on the member countries. Kamu kesiminin finansman gereği, yeterli tasarrufa sahip olmayan ve sürekli borçlanmak suretiyle kaynak oluşturmaya çalışan gelişmekte olan ülkeler kadar geli ^ mi^^ ülkelerin de sorunudur.


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