Selanik Şeriyye Sicilleri

Türkiye dışında Osmanlı dönemine ait malzemenin bulunduğu ülkelerden birisi de Yunanistan'dır. Yunanistan'ın Selanik şehrinde bulunan Makedonya tarih arşivinde Osmanlı döneminden kalan çok değişik türde arşiv koleksiyonu ve katalogları bulunmaktadır. Bu kataloglardan birisi "Selanik Şeriyye Sicili Kataloğu" başlığı altında oluşturulmuştur. Bu Arşivin bir dönem müdürlüğünü de yapmış olan Vasilis DİMİTRİADİS tarafından hazırlanan bu Selanik Şeriyye Sicili Kataloğu 116 sayfadan oluşmaktadır. Katalogda ilki 1694 tarihli ve sonuncusu ise 1912 yılına tarihlendirilen 337 defter yer almaktadır. Bu katalogda yer alan defterlerin neredeyse tamamı Selanik ve civarındaki illerle ilgili tutulmuş Osmanlı Şeriyye Sicillerine aittir. Bu katalogda bulunan 337 defterin her biri fiziki olarak tanımlanmış, boyut ve sayfa adetleri belirtilmiştir. İçerik olarak ise genelde defterdeki ilk kayıt ile sonuncu kayıt arasındaki tarih dilimi gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmada orijinali Yunanca olan Selanik Şeriyye Sicili Kataloğu Türkçeye kazandırılarak Türk okuyucusunun hizmetine sunulması amaçlanmıştır.


State government under the Turkish State tradition the forensic organization had a very important place and function. In the beginning, the head of forensic organization managed by Yargucu and his assistants who adjudicating to custom beginning from the propagation of Islam, muslim judge proceed to take part beside these officials. After the next period of Islam dominated the Turkish countries the situation had changed, Muslim Judges rank among the head of forensic organization as an only legal officers. No longer, Muslim Judge who is the chief enforcer of law on behalf of the ruler take part of the head of forensic organization in Islamic period in Turkish state administration. In this work we have discussed from three big Turkish states the diversified chief muslim judge implementations which have seen to emerged differently in Turkish states. One of the first Turkish states is undoutabtedly Khazars which the chief Muslim judge implementations have seen in their own way. In Khazars there were seven chief Muslim judges who were two Muslıms, two Jews, two Christians and non-members of the three monotheistic religions’s groups with Slavic, a judge who looks at the cases of the Russians. In the Golden Horde which had a great political dominance at the time when Islam began to spread rapidly, the institution of chief Muslim Jugdge continued to existence of its being in a distinctive way. In Golden Horde, law of Emir who the regular member of congress was at the head of forensic organization, besides the chief Yargucu and his assistants who adjudicating to custom, the chief Muslim Judge and his assistants who adjudicating to Islamic law also interested with legal affairs. In Mamelukes State there were chief Muslim Judge implementations one each from four sunni sectarians which was not applied in any of Turkish-Islamic States. Each of these chief Muslim Judge ruled a case of people who belonged to their own sectarians. Analyzing the three big Turkish States’s diversified chief Muslim judge implementations  we tried to reveal how the forensic organization in the Turkish Government Sytem  according to conditions and needs of the period take form systematically appear.


  • Selanik Şeriyye Sicilleri Kataloğu