Presentation of the System Corresponding to Next/Last, Preceding/Following in Turkish

Presentation of the System Corresponding to Next/Last, Preceding/Following in Turkish

In this study, on the basis of article " Next/last and the others. The adjectives deictic in ordeal of the space" written by A.-M. Berthnonneau, who looked at how the adjectives next/last are used together with the names of time and space, we aim to present the system corresponding to next/last, preceding/following in Turkish


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  • Berthonneau, A.-M., (2002), "Prochain/dernier et compagnie. Les adjectifs «deictiques» â l'épreuve de l'espace ou comment circuler dans le temps, l'espace, le texte" in C. Schnedecker ed., Langue Française 136, Paris, Larousse, pp.104-125.
  • Ergin, M., (1990), Üniversiteler için Türk Dili, İstanbul, Bayrak Basım Yayınları.
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