Amerikan Hukuk Sistemini Yerel Siyaset Üzerinden Okumak
1970 basımı ‘The Politics of Local Justice’ isimli, James R. Klonoski ve Robert I. Mendelson editörlüğünde hazırlanan kitap , eski tarihli olsa da günümüzde de geçerliliğini koruyan sorunları ele almaktadır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri yerel mahkemeleri özelinde hukuk sistemini ele alan çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar, hukuk sisteminin ülke genelindeki durumunu ortaya koymanın yanında çoğu ülke sisteminde mücadele edilen yolsuzluk, yozlaşma, adalete ulaşmada yaşanan eşitsizlik gibi sorunlara dikkat çekmektedir. Toplamda altı bölümden oluşan eser, farklı konuları ele alan yirmi makaleye yer vermektedir.
Reading The American Legal System Through Local Politics
Although dated, the book titled "The Politics of Local Justice", published in 1970, and edited by James R. Klonoski and Robert I. Mendelson deals with current issues. The results obtained in the study, which deals with the legal system by focusing on the United States of America's local courts, not only reveal the state of the legal system throughout the country, but also draw attention to the problems such as corruption and inequality in reaching justice, which most country systems struggle with. The work, which consists of six chapters in total, includes twenty articles dealing with different topics.
- CARDOZO, Benjamin N.: The Nature of the Judicial Process, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1921.
- EPSTEIN, Lee / LINDQUIST, Stefanie A. (Ed.): The Oxford Handbook of US Judicial Behavior, Oxford
University Press, 2017.
- EPSTEIN, Lee: “Some thoughts on the study of judicial behavior”, William & Mary Law Review, 2016, Cilt 57,
Sayı 6, s. 2017-2073.
- HOWARD, Robert M. / KIRK A. Randazzo (Ed.): Routledge Handbook of Judicial Behavior, Routledge, 2017.
- KLONOSKI, James R. / MENDELSOHN, Robert. I. (Ed.): The Politics of Local Justice, Little Brown, Boston,
- PRITCHETT, H.: The Roosevelt Court, Macmillan Company, New York, 1948.
- SEGAL, Jeffrey A.: “Judicial Behavior”, (Ed.) CALDEIRA, A. / KELEMEN, R. Daniel / WHITTINGTON,
Keith E.: The Oxford Handbook of Political Science, Oxford University Press, 2008.