Self-learning habits of German language teacher candidates

Öz Concepts such as lifelong learning, motivation, self-learning, communicative competence, and learner autonomy play a central part in the current and contemporary education process. These key concepts are identified as important objectives in education. Students are at the center of this process because the self-learning habits of students are indispensable in the frame of identified objectives. Self-learning is undoubtedly significant for German language teacher candidates, too. The purpose of this study is to reveal the self-learning habits of German language teacher candidates in the sample of Trakya University. In accordance with this purpose, a questionnaire was administered in all classes of the German Language Teaching Department. In this context, the questionnaire aimed to identify German language teacher candidates’ self-learning habits and perspectives on self-learning itself. One of the significant outcomes of this study is that German language teacher candidates evaluate the self-learning process as important. However, they possess a limited perspective on the context and need guidance and encouragement regarding self-learning. For this reason, one of the most important duties of the German Language Teaching Education Department is to arrange environments where active learning will be maintained for students, learning objectives will be determined, and taking responsibility will be specified and guided. 


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