Political television interviews and communicative failures for journalists

Öz The article analyzestelevision interviews in Ukrainian and German from the perspective of the personality of the interviewer and the difficulties that arise before and during thatinterview. Communicative deviations as differences in the expectations of the interviewer vis-à-visthe expectations of the respondent and the addressee are revealed andcriticallyanalyzed.Particular attention is paid to the triangle of relationships between the interviewer, the respondent,and the addressee (the viewer).Elements such as age, sex, status, knowledge, interests, andexpectations play an important role in thebuilding of relationships between the interviewer, the respondent, and the addressee. Therefore, theyareimportant for the overall success of the interview. Accordingly, the journalist assumes three roles: a representative of the audience (the addressee), apromoter of the invited (the respondent),or a representative of himself/herself.Here, by the term “communicative deviations”we understand the differences in the expectations of the communicators in an interview. In this article, we only draw on and reflectthe deviations in the television interviews in both languages when the interviewer has other expectations about the interview than the respondent or the addressee (the viewer), which is a failurefromthe side of the first one, that is, the interviewer. Communicative deviations as violations of the interviewer’s expectations in all their forms can be avoided, or at least reduced, if all the elements of communication at the informative and emotional level—and very often at the communicative-situational level—are taken into account, and greater attention is also paid to technical characteristics. Political television interviews, communicative failures, Ukrainian language, German language


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