A Comparative Study of the Realms of Thinking by German Language Teachers Using Metaphors

Öz The fact that the perceptions of the teaching profession determine the attitudes of teachers and their behavior within the classroom is mentioned often in different scientific discourses. In this regard, it is important to explore prospective teachers’ perceptions of teachers and the teaching profession in order to make conclusions about their own learning and teaching behavior. The use of metaphors to identify the realms of thinkingof prospective German language teachers regarding their future role as teachers is vital if one assumes that teachers have a fundamental role in the teaching process. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the metaphors that German language teacher trainees employ to describe their role as future teachers. Since the material is analyzed qualitatively, the method of metaphor analysis used: the data were gathered from Turkish and German students in the German language teacher training programs. This study evaluates the likelihood of emerging cultural differences that can be seen in the thinkingof these prospective teachers. The results of the study show that both groups see the teacher as a guide, mentoring and helping their students. It is suggested that the obtained results should be included in the process of German language teacher training, and as such, made part of the discussion of the role of the teacher in the future.


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