Heydar Aliyev and Human Resources Policy in the Law Enforcement System of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic (1969-1982)

This article is studying human resources policy implemented in the field of law enforcement agencies during the leadership of the great leader Heydar Aliyev. Heydar Aliyev, who served as the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Azerbaijan SSR from 1969 to 1982 highlighted such issues as laying the fundamental foundations of legal state-building, forming a legal system based on democratic values, establishing socio-political stability, and strengthening the foundations of the state. In 1969-1982, in the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, a fight was declared against violations of the law, especially against people who misused their positions, bribery, and representatives of the illegal economy. In order to prevent crime, to improve the level of professionalism of law enforcement agencies staff a number of important measures were taken. To analyze the existing problems in the law enforcement system and personnel policy in this field, the sources from the state archives of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the media outlets published in the republic at that time were studied. The comparative-descriptive method was used for this research.


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