Kerbelâ Vakı‘ası’nda Farklı Bir Üslup ve Muhteva: Mehmed Nâzım Paşa’nın Kerbelâ Risâlesi

Kerbelâ hadisesi, edebî eserlerde izhar-ı matem ve susuzluk remzi etrafında muteber bir şekilde tahayyül ettirilen sahneler, resmedilen ağıt tablosu içerisinde savaş ve kahramanlık manzaralarıyla yer almıştır. Hz. Hüseyin’in soyunun yüceliği, şahsi özellikleri, Ehl-i beyt’e reva görülen zulüm ve bu zulme ortak olanların telini merkezinde tahrir kılınan konu, Hz. Hüseyin’i sürekli yâd etmeye vesile olacak şekilde ifade bulmuştur. Pek çok yazınsal faaliyetin merkezinde temas edilen hususlar, ayrı bir muhteva ve üslup temelinde Mehmed Nâzım Paşa tarafından kaleme alınmıştır.

A Different Style and Content in Karbala İncident: Karbala Treatise by Mehmed Nazim Pasha

Scenes that are envisioned in a credible way around the incident of Karbala, the rhetoric of mourning and thirst in literary works, scenes of war and heroism were included in the painting of lamentation. The glory and personal characteristics of Hussein's lineage, the persecution of Ahl al-Bayt, and the curse of those who share this cruelty found expression to be a means to constantly remember of Hussein. These issues, which are at the center of many literary activities, were written by Mehmed Nazim Pasha on the basis of a separate content and style. In the treatise named Karbala, written by Nazim Pasha as prose, purposes and ideas were analyzed through the views of both sides, unlike the texts written with the influence of the event. In a work written in an artistic and assonance language, the reason for writing the treatise and the information given about the content gave the point of view of the work. In the treatise on this document, in which the wisdom in the incident is reflected, the life and work of Mehmed Nazim Pasha was first discussed, and then his work named Karbala was focused on. The work was evaluated in terms of form and content, and then the transcribed text was given.


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