Evaluation of Effectiveness of Strawberry Marketing Organization in Mersin/Turkey1

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Strawberry Marketing Organization in Mersin/Turkey1

Mersin has strawberry cultivation areas significantly in Turkey. The production type of strawberry cultivation makes a significant contribution to rural development with the added value it provides. The aim of the study is to define socio-demographic status of strawberry producers and general characteristics of farms, reveal efficiency of marketing organization and stand for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and present proposals to contribute to development of the sector. Totally, 100 strawberry producers were interviewed. In the research area, the share of strawberry area in the total land is 73,7% in the open-field production and 63,0% in the greenhouse production. Strawberry production is 186.040 kg/da the open-field and 285.804 kg/da in the greenhouses. Producers sell their products mostly to intermediates and traders. The remaining producers sell their products directly for export. It can be said that there are some shortcomings in terms of collection, market preparation, transportation and competition. To overcome these shortcomings, the establishment of producer organizations and the export chain for export should be expanded


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