Evaluation of the effect of organ and tissue donation on forensic process in forensic autopsy cases

Evaluation of the effect of organ and tissue donation on forensic process in forensic autopsy cases

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study is to determine the problems confronted by physicians who perform the forensic autopsy and the factors that should be taken into consideration in terms of the forensic process when there is a decision of or- gan and tissue harvesting for transplantation. METHODS: In the study, autopsy reports of the cases that has been performed to be taken by organ and tissue referred for autopsy to the Morgue Department of Council of Forensic Medicine unit, between 2015 and 2019 were examined. The ca- ses were evaluated in two groups according to the state of being a solid organ and corneal donor. The shortcomings in judicial and medical documents were found to be scanned archive en- velopes. RESULTS: Among 26.604 autopsy cases of the Morgue De- partment of Council of Forensic Medicine in 5 years, 92 cases were cadaveric solid organ donors, and 183 cases were cornea- only donors. In 66 (71.7%) of the cadaveric solid organ donor cases (71.7%), the operation notes related to organ transplan- tation were present in the archive files. The reason for the de- ath was determined as a blunt trauma due to the most frequent transport injuries in both groups and the second death due to solid organ donors was firearm injuries and the corneal donors were found to be natural death. CONCLUSION: In the judicial cases given the organ and tis- sue transplant decision, the steps that must be considered and implemented should be determined by new legal regulations. The brain death with the organ donor candidate in realized ca- ses; Forensic medical professionals are included in the process of organ transplant and forensic investigation and the organiza- tion of the organ receiving the negativity will be prevented in the forensic process.


Adli Tıp Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1018-5275
  • Başlangıç: 1985
  • Yayıncı: BAYT Yayıncılık
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