Eğitmenleri tarafından cinsel olarak istismar edildiği iddia edilen öğrenciler: Dokuz olgu sunumu

Çocuk cinsel istismarı yaş, ırk ve sosyoekonomik sınıf ayırt etmeksi- zin toplumun tüm tabakalarında karşılaşılan ciddi bir sosyal sorun- dur. Son yıllarda öğretmenleri tarafından cinsel istismara uğradığını iddia eden öğrencilerin haberleri medyada geniş yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada eğitmenleri tarafından cinsel istismara maruz bırakılan dokuz olgu sunulmuştur, mağdurların sekizi kız, biri erkektir, faille- rin tümü erkektir. Cinsel istismar faillerinin, genellikle kırılgan (öz- güveni ve öz benliği düşük, engelli vb.), ailesi tarafından gözetimi az, sosyal olarak izole olmuş veya duygusal destek ihtiyacı olan çocukları kurban olarak seçtikleri bilinmektedir. İlk olgumuz ailesel problem- leri nedeniyle duygusal destek ihtiyacı olan bir çocuk, son üç olgumuz ise orta derecede zekâ geriliği nedeniyle engelli çocuklardır. İlgili tüm profesyonellerin bu konu hakkında başta prevalans çalış- ması olmak üzere sorunun büyüklüğünü tespit etme ve önleme ko- nularında bilimsel çalışmalar yapmaları gerekmektedir.

Students allegedly sexually abused by their educators: Nine case reports

Child sexual abuse is a serious social problem encountered in all strata of society, regardless of age, race, and socioeconomic sta- tus. In recent years, the news about students who claimed sexually abused by their teachers has a wide range of media coverage. In this study, nine cases who were exposed to sexual abuse by the- ir teachers are presented, eight of the victims were females, one of them was male, all perpetrators were males. It is known that perpetrators of sexual abuse generally choose fragile children (low self-confidence, disabled, etc.), low family supervision, socially iso- lated, or in need of emotional support as victims. Our first case is a child who needs emotional support due to familial problems, and our last three cases are children with disabilities due to moderate mental retardation. All relevant professionals are required to conduct scientific studies on this issue, especially the prevalence study, to determine the size of the problem and to prevent it.


  • 1. Taken from the World Health Organisation, Report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention, Geneva, 29-31 March 1999, World Health Organization, Social Change and Mental Health, Violence and Injury Prevention pp. 13-17.
  • 2. Axelrod A, Markow D. Hostile hallways: Bullying, teasing, and sexual harassment in school. Am Assoc Univ Wom- en Educ Found 2001;:1–56.
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  • 6. Shakeshaft BC, Shakeshaft C. Know the warn- ing signs of educator sexual misconduct. Phi Delta Kappan 2013;94(February 2013):8–13.
  • 7. Sandler JC, Freeman NJ. Typology of female sex of- fenders: A test of Vandiver and Kercher. Sex Abus 2007;19(2):73– 89.
  • 8. Robertiello G, Terry KJ. Can we profile sex offend- ers? A review of sex offender typologies. Aggress Violent Behav 2007;12(5):508–18.
  • 9. Nhundu TJ, Shumba A. The nature and frequency of reported cases of teacher perpetrated child sexual abuse in rural primary schools in Zimbabwe. Child Abuse Negl 2001;25(11):1517–34.
  • 10. Ratliff L, Watson J. A descriptive analysis of public school educators arrested for sex offenses. J Child Sex Abus 2014;23(2):217–28.
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  • 12. Knoll J. Teacher sexual misconduct: Grooming pat- terns and female offenders. J Child Sex Abus 2010;19(4):371–86
  • 13. Mcalinden A-M. ‘Setting ’Em Up’: Personal, familial and institutional grooming in the sexual abuse of children. Soc Leg Stud 2006;15(3):339–62.
  • 14. Shane RD. Teachers as sexual harassment victims: The inequitable protections of Title VII in public schools. Fla Law Rev 2009;61(2):355–77.
  • 15. Kocturk N. A retrospective study: According to online news, the victims, perpetrators and characteristics of sexual abuse at schools*. Eurasian J Educ Res 2020;2020(86):115–34.
  • 16. Celik GG, Yolga Tahiroglu A, Avci A, Cekin N, Evliyaoglu N, Yoruldu B. Sexual abuse in a classroom of ten male students: A group victimization. J Child Sex Abus 2012;21(5):543–52.
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Adli Tıp Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1018-5275
  • Başlangıç: 1985
  • Yayıncı: BAYT Yayıncılık
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