Integrated lessons are a modern method of modernization. Intelligent technology lends itself to the impotent programs and connects to the first sight of unobservable objects. English is not an exception. Vice versa, the "English language" school is integrated. It transmitted through interconnected communications and suggests that many scientists in the field of science, art, culture, as well as real life longevity. An integrated lesson is a combination of two or three disciplines, during which they interpenetrate and interact with educational material. The main goal - the point of intersection of two objects, giving a complete picture of the phenomenon under study. Integration of the lesson applies not only to related subjects, but also disciplines of different cycles. This means that you can combine both English with Russian, and history with computer science in one lesson.


Integrated lessons are a modern method of modernization. Intelligent technology lends itself to the impotent programs and connects to the first sight of unobservable objects. English is not an exception. Vice versa, the "English language" school is integrated. It transmitted through interconnected communications and suggests that many scientists in the field of science, art, culture, as well as real life longevity. An integrated lesson is a combination of two or three disciplines, during which they interpenetrate and interact with educational material. The main goal - the point of intersection of two objects, giving a complete picture of the phenomenon under study. Integration of the lesson applies not only to related subjects, but also disciplines of different cycles. This means that you can combine both English with Russian, and history with computer science in one lesson.


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