The Method of Forming the Creative Ability of Future Designers on the Lessons of the Composition

The need for Kazakhstan to enter the world's educational space requires the reform of the educational system, that is, to improve the quality of knowledge in accordance with modern requirements. In this regard, in the higher educational institutions in the specialty "Production Design" was prepared theoretical methodological basis for students on the subject composition, was written the importance of dissertational research on the basis of theory and experiment.The research tasks allow us to interpret scientific works, make hypotheses of modern pedagogical practice, make goals and tasks, scientific hypotheses, correctly determine the form and subject of research. I have identified an exceptional feature in the studies that have appeared in the main components of the scientific apparatus. It gives an opportunity in higher education institutions to determine the problem in teaching the future designers and teachers on the subject composition and make an analysis of its current situation, allows the researcher to accurately and reasonably identify the research problem and its disagreements, allows teachers to see the importance and practical necessity of the composition.

The Method of Forming the Creative Ability of Future Designers on the Lessons of the Composition

The need for Kazakhstan to enter the world's educational space requires the reform of the educational system, that is, to improve the quality of knowledge in accordance with modern requirements. In this regard, in the higher educational institutions in the specialty "Production Design" was prepared theoretical methodological basis for students on the subject composition, was written the importance of dissertational research on the basis of theory and experiment.The research tasks allow us to interpret scientific works, make hypotheses of modern pedagogical practice, make goals and tasks, scientific hypotheses, correctly determine the form and subject of research. I have identified an exceptional feature in the studies that have appeared in the main components of the scientific apparatus. It gives an opportunity in higher education institutions to determine the problem in teaching the future designers and teachers on the subject composition and make an analysis of its current situation, allows the researcher to accurately and reasonably identify the research problem and its disagreements, allows teachers to see the importance and practical necessity of the composition.


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