The latest Changes in Kashgar Special Economic Zone

The government of China has been treating Urumqi as a basis of his economic policy in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Districts (XUAD) and has been given priority to North Xinjiang. The resulting inequality between South and North Xinjiang has been a reason that has been hindering the economic development of XUAD over the years. However, since 2009, China has changed its policy over XUAD and the developments in the socio-economic situation of the region has begun to emerge. In this regard, in 2010, based on the decision of the State Council of China, Kashgar Special Economic Zone was created to become the largest economic, trade and logistics, financial and international economic and technical cooperation center in the region. By the end of 2016, 16 billion yuan were allocated for building activities and for infrastructure in Kashgar Special Economic Zone. The Chinese government along with the development of roads and motorways in Kashgar region is going to develop motorway and railway projects from Kashgar to Pakistan's Gwadar port, as well as the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway that will link Kashgar with Central Asia. Today, the development of Kashgar Special Economic Zone is contributing for the economic development of the whole South Xinjiang region. The government of China using the geographical importance of Horgos in Northern Xinjiang and Kashgar in South Xinjiang going to expand economic relations with the neighboring countries. It might be expected that on the frameworks of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the One Belt One Way strategy the importance of Kashgar Special Economic Zone will be increasing.

The latest Changes in Kashgar Special Economic Zone

The government of China has been treating Urumqi as a basis of his economic policy in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Districts (XUAD) and has been given priority to North Xinjiang. The resulting inequality between South and North Xinjiang has been a reason that has been hindering the economic development of XUAD over the years. However, since 2009, China has changed its policy over XUAD and the developments in the socio-economic situation of the region has begun to emerge. In this regard, in 2010, based on the decision of the State Council of China, Kashgar Special Economic Zone was created to become the largest economic, trade and logistics, financial and international economic and technical cooperation center in the region. By the end of 2016, 16 billion yuan were allocated for building activities and for infrastructure in Kashgar Special Economic Zone. The Chinese government along with the development of roads and motorways in Kashgar region is going to develop motorway and railway projects from Kashgar to Pakistan's Gwadar port, as well as the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway that will link Kashgar with Central Asia. Today, the development of Kashgar Special Economic Zone is contributing for the economic development of the whole South Xinjiang region. The government of China using the geographical importance of Horgos in Northern Xinjiang and Kashgar in South Xinjiang going to expand economic relations with the neighboring countries. It might be expected that on the frameworks of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the One Belt One Way strategy the importance of Kashgar Special Economic Zone will be increasing.


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