The analysis of the potential of renewable energy sources in kazakhstan

In the article the analysis of prospect of development of proceeded in energy sources is expounded in Kazakhstan in a context in the production of world economy. Kazakhstan is a world leader on the amount of accessible wind energy, her potential in 30-40 times there is more electric power produced presently in a country. Realization of the International specialized exhibition is "Astana ЭКСПО-2017", with a theme "Energy of the future" determines Strategy of modernisations of economy of country with the use of proceeded in energy sources providing innovative power decisions, by systematic approach of modernisations of fuel and energy complex of country.

The analysis of the potential of renewable energy sources in kazakhstan

In the article the analysis of prospect of development of proceeded in energy sources is expounded in Kazakhstan in a context in the production of world economy. Kazakhstan is a world leader on the amount of accessible wind energy, her potential in 30-40 times there is more electric power produced presently in a country. Realization of the International specialized exhibition is "Astana ЭКСПО-2017", with a theme "Energy of the future" determines Strategy of modernisations of economy of country with the use of proceeded in energy sources providing innovative power decisions, by systematic approach of modernisations of fuel and energy complex of country.


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