Some Aspects of Exit from Financial Crisis

The article investigates the state of the economy of the domestic financial sector. Definitions of some of the causes of the crisis of the financial sector, particularly the banking sector. Based on the study of scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists theoretically given an overview of recovery from the financial crisis, other countries around the world. In addition, summarized and shown ways of overcoming the crisis, domestic banks on the basis of concentration of capital and their consolidation, the wide use of risk-management and corporate governance. It recommends certain credit risks of banks and ways to overcome them. And also provides the use in advertising cartoon marketing, providing a perspective to increase their effective operation.

Some Aspects of Exit from Financial Crisis

The article investigates the state of the economy of the domestic financial sector. Definitions of some of the causes of the crisis of the financial sector, particularly the banking sector. Based on the study of scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists theoretically given an overview of recovery from the financial crisis, other countries around the world. In addition, summarized and shown ways of overcoming the crisis, domestic banks on the basis of concentration of capital and their consolidation, the wide use of risk-management and corporate governance. It recommends certain credit risks of banks and ways to overcome them. And also provides the use in advertising cartoon marketing, providing a perspective to increase their effective operation.


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