Scientific Basis of the Cluster Theory of Economic Development

The article examines the scientific basis of the cluster theory of economic development in conditions of implementation of industrial and innovation policy. The application of the cluster approach in the development of Kazakhstan's economy, and its distribution can be regarded as the main feature of the world economy highly. It is proved that the specifics of the cluster is to provide organizations within it, a synergistic effect, which is expressed to increase the competitiveness of cluster members in comparison with the separate economic entities. Showing efficient enterprise side within the cluster system. The basic directions of cluster development: improving the quality of governance in the economic entities of the cluster; the development of subcontracting arrangements; the development of innovation and commercialization of innovative projects mechanisms; creating incentive mechanisms for the development of clusters.

Scientific Basis of the Cluster Theory of Economic Development

The article examines the scientific basis of the cluster theory of economic development in conditions of implementation of industrial and innovation policy. The application of the cluster approach in the development of Kazakhstan's economy, and its distribution can be regarded as the main feature of the world economy highly. It is proved that the specifics of the cluster is to provide organizations within it, a synergistic effect, which is expressed to increase the competitiveness of cluster members in comparison with the separate economic entities. Showing efficient enterprise side within the cluster system. The basic directions of cluster development: improving the quality of governance in the economic entities of the cluster; the development of subcontracting arrangements; the development of innovation and commercialization of innovative projects mechanisms; creating incentive mechanisms for the development of clusters.


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