Literary review as an index socially medical problem of smoking

Contained in this article, a review of the literature shows an increace in every country of smoking arrows. The main weight is called getting a special place among women and teenagers. In connection with high percent of men smoking, chronic diseases of slight and oncological diseases which influence on. Nevertheless it is necessary to speak about various phenomena of attraction of tobacco. Level of the certain European countries from cases of smoking was higher among girls, than boys. For example in Denmark 15% of smoking belongs girls, 25% to the boys. The same tendancy in Germany (20% of boys, of 30% girls);in Spain (15% of boys, of 20% girls); in Scotland (25% of boys, of 21% girls); in Uels (20% of boys, of 25% girls).

Literary review as an index socially medical problem of smoking

Contained in this article, a review of the literature shows an increace in every country of smoking arrows. The main weight is called getting a special place among women and teenagers. In connection with high percent of men smoking, chronic diseases of slight and oncological diseases which influence on. Nevertheless it is necessary to speak about various phenomena of attraction of tobacco. Level of the certain European countries from cases of smoking was higher among girls, than boys. For example in Denmark 15% of smoking belongs girls, 25% to the boys. The same tendancy in Germany (20% of boys, of 30% girls);in Spain (15% of boys, of 20% girls); in Scotland (25% of boys, of 21% girls); in Uels (20% of boys, of 25% girls).


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