Pedagogical Thoughts of M. Zhumabayev (about the Content of the Teacher's Functional Work)

Before applying any technology, we must take into account that its elements, although not a complete system, are reflected in the works of teachers of our native people. Because every nation, every country has its own psychological specifics and its own spiritual Outlook, in a word, the national code. The ability to correctly use this code in the educational process requires high pedagogical skills. For example, the technology of critical thinking and developmental learning in the Cambridge system is reflected in the thoughts of M. Zhumabayev, the poet-thinker of our people, the author of the famous work «Pedagogy», which was written in the early ХХth century in an integral and consistent form. The article discusses the pedagogical views of M. Zhumabayev in accordance with modern requirements in pedagogy. Based on the work «Pedagogy», the professional orientation of the teacher's personality, the subtleties of the teacher's profession, professional and pedagogical inclinations and flexibility are analyzed. The article describes in detail the features of the teacher's personality, such as pedagogical duty and responsibility, pedagogical ethics and pedagogical tact, pedagogical justice and authority of the teacher, the culture of scientific and pedagogical thinking. The purpose of the article is to consider the best modern technologies necessary for a modern education system, and its integral system, its unified elements based on the works of the honored worker M. Zhumabayev in the field of pedagogy of the native people.

Pedagogical Thoughts of M. Zhumabayev (about the Content of the Teacher's Functional Work)

Before applying any technology, we must take into account that its elements, although not a complete system, are reflected in the works of teachers of our native people. Because every nation, every country has its own psychological specifics and its own spiritual Outlook, in a word, the national code. The ability to correctly use this code in the educational process requires high pedagogical skills. For example, the technology of critical thinking and developmental learning in the Cambridge system is reflected in the thoughts of M. Zhumabayev, the poet-thinker of our people, the author of the famous work «Pedagogy», which was written in the early ХХth century in an integral and consistent form. The article discusses the pedagogical views of M. Zhumabayev in accordance with modern requirements in pedagogy. Based on the work «Pedagogy», the professional orientation of the teacher's personality, the subtleties of the teacher's profession, professional and pedagogical inclinations and flexibility are analyzed. The article describes in detail the features of the teacher's personality, such as pedagogical duty and responsibility, pedagogical ethics and pedagogical tact, pedagogical justice and authority of the teacher, the culture of scientific and pedagogical thinking. The purpose of the article is to consider the best modern technologies necessary for a modern education system, and its integral system, its unified elements based on the works of the honored worker M. Zhumabayev in the field of pedagogy of the native people.


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