Investigation of Intervals of Attack Fighters with Different Styles of Wrestling

The article presents research materials on the organization of tactical attack in the form of repeated attacks for fighters with technical, power and functional style in Greco-Roman wrestling. Repeated attacks are one of the components of the tactical training. They present realization of technical actions or effect on attacked ones in curtain sequence in compliance with the time interval. In this connection, we assumed that the target planning of rational number of attacking actions with using simulations on fitness equipment, and pause time with considering individual features of the fighters, and information about enemies will increase the reliability and efficiency of technical and tactical actions, and will allow the fighters to use their individual and leading qualities in order to reach success on the international arena.

Investigation of Intervals of Attack Fighters with Different Styles of Wrestling

The article presents research materials on the organization of tactical attack in the form of repeated attacks for fighters with technical, power and functional style in Greco-Roman wrestling. Repeated attacks are one of the components of the tactical training. They present realization of technical actions or effect on attacked ones in curtain sequence in compliance with the time interval. In this connection, we assumed that the target planning of rational number of attacking actions with using simulations on fitness equipment, and pause time with considering individual features of the fighters, and information about enemies will increase the reliability and efficiency of technical and tactical actions, and will allow the fighters to use their individual and leading qualities in order to reach success on the international arena.


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