Forming knowledge of the pupul in the progress of techologigal preparation

This article discusses the question of accustom high school students to professional work and conformity of the content of the educational process to the future operations of students, and to find effective ways of productive areas of training.It was proposed to establish a link between the themes of the school of theoretical programmes and practical sessions with the aim of providing clear and effective learning. In addition, high school students could participate in the production of, and trained in needed technology.Our goal is to prepare students to technology is the formation of their training to practice in the field of production. It was also noted the importance of training needed to apply knowledge in work, in the development of the education of a student active and hardworking employee.

Forming knowledge of the pupul in the progress of techologigal preparation

This article discusses the question of accustom high school students to professional work and conformity of the content of the educational process to the future operations of students, and to find effective ways of productive areas of training.It was proposed to establish a link between the themes of the school of theoretical programmes and practical sessions with the aim of providing clear and effective learning. In addition, high school students could participate in the production of, and trained in needed technology.Our goal is to prepare students to technology is the formation of their training to practice in the field of production. It was also noted the importance of training needed to apply knowledge in work, in the development of the education of a student active and hardworking employee.


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