This study investigates the relationship between the spatial change of Avlan Lake, which is situated around Antalya in Mediterranean Region, and climate. The lake in the study was dried up in 1980. As a result, the people living nearby as well as environmentalist organizations reported serious climatic changes in the vicinity. Also it was reported that natural and cultural plants in the local area were affected negatively. After that, the water was released into the lake in 2001 and thus it regained its status before 1980. The sample of Avlan Lake set forth a geographical perspective for the effect of lake areas on surrounding climate. In this study, in order to identify the relationships between drying up of the lake area and climate, meteorological data of three different periods were examined. Those periods were before 1980, between 1980 and 2001, and after 2001. The period before 1980 covers the time when the lake was there. The years between 1980 and 2001 covers the period when the lake was dry. Lastly, the period after 2001 follows refilling of the lake up to date. Landsat satellite images were used to reveal spatial shrinking of the lake zone. For analyzing climatic data, Mann-Kendal Test, Sen’s Slope Estimate and Sezer’s (1990) Continentality Indices were used. In the analysis, no direct relationship was found between drying up of Avlan Lake and the climate. Hence, balancing role played by the lake in its environment rather than the climate itself can account for the changes taking place in and around the lake. This finding suggests that water bodies in any area might cause many ecological problems though not related with climate.Keywords: Avlan Lake, climate change, Sen’s Slope Estimate, Mann-Kendal Rank Correlation Test, ekoloji, Sezer’s continentality indices


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