Rotavirus: f;ocukluk f;ag1Akut ishallerinin Ne Kadanndan Sorumlu?

Amaf: Bu 9alz~ma, 2010 yzlz i9inde gastroenterit yakmmasz ile ba~vuran 90cuk hastalarm dz~kz orneklerinde rotaviriis pozitifligini belirlemek amacz ile yapzlmz~tzr. Materyal ve metod: jshal yakznmasz ile hastanemize ba~vuran hastalardan a/man dz~kz orneginde kalitatif immuno-kromatografik yontem ile 9alz~an Atlas Rotavirus test strip (Atlas Medical, UK) kitleri kullamlarak Rotavirus varlzgz ara~tzrzldz. Bulgular: (:ocuk hastalara ait 316 dz~kz ornegi incelenmi~, %21 oramnda Rotavirus antijeni pozitif saptanmz~tzr. Rotavirus en szk% 46 oramyla 0-1 ya~ grubu 90cuklarda, kz~ ve bahar mevsiminde goriilmii~, Mart aymda pik yaptzgz tespit edilmi§tir. Sonuf: jshalli olgularm yakla~zk be~te biri viral etkene baglz olarak saptanmz~tzr. Gereksiz antibiyotik kullammmm oniine ge9mek i9in rotavirus pozitifliginin bilinmesi yararlz olacaktzr

Rotavirus: What percentage of acute childhood diarrhea's does it account for?

Introduction: This study was performed to determine the positivity of Rotavirus in the stool samples of child patients presenting with gastroenteritis in 2010. Material and Methods: Rotavirus was investigated in the stool samples of patients admitted to our hospital with complaint of diarrhea by using Atlas Rotavirus test strip (Atlas Medical, UK) kits that work with qualitative immunochromatographic method Results: 316 stool samples from child patients were investigated and 21% of the specimens were found positive for Rotavirus antigen. Rotavirus was found to be most common in children aged 0-1 year in winter and spring and it peaked in March. Conclusion: Approximately one fifth of cases with diarrhea were detected with the viral agents. It would be useful to find out any Rotavirus positivity in order to prevent unnecessary use of antibiotics.
