Emek denetimi kapitalist üretim biçiminin vazgeçilmez en önemli unsurudur. Artı değerin yani kârın elde edilmesi ve bunun korunması için denetim mutlak şekilde sağlanmalıdır. Sermaye tarih boyunca emeği kontrol etmek için farklı metotlar denemiştir. Bu metotların oluşumunu sağlayan en önemli unsur ise sermayenin emeğe ve özellikle de organize olmuş emeğe olan mutlak bağımlılığından kurtulma isteğidir. Sermaye ilk dönemlerde bedensel olarak emekgücünü denetimi almak isterken günümüzde hem beden hem de zihni denetime almak istemektedir. Bedenin denetime alınması uygulama da Taylorizm ve Fordizm ile karşılık bulurken zihnin ve bedenin denetimi ise ideolojik denetimde karşılık bulmuştur.


Labor control is the most indispensable element of the capitalist mode of production. The control must be absolutely ensured in order to obtain and maintain surplus value and profit. Capital has tried different methods to control labor throughout history. The most important factor in the formation of these control methods is the desire to get free from labor, and especially its absolute dependence on labor. While capital wanted to physically control the labor force in the early periods of capitalist organization, it now wants to control both the body and mind. The control of the body in the practical application has been called Taylorism and Fordism, both the control of the mind and body have have been called ideological control. The aim of this study is to show spheres of the labor processes and how the control of labor in capitalist structure constitutes a social control mechanism. In this context, the article is a literature study based on a theoretical approach. Historically, when the processes of labor are examined, it is understood that labor power is subjected to exploitation not only physically but mentally through ideological control mechanisms in the last stage. In the light of all this, this article is based on the idea that control of labor is not a matter of control of social relations


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