ABSTRACT e Ottoman Empire was founded on a strategic area that conjunct Europe and Asia. Multicultural and multinational folk of Ottoman had ruled by Ottoman dynasty in tranquility for a long time. Tolerance and justice was main supporting determinants of state under the guidance of Islamic law. is paper explores whether or not Millet system was a successful idea to cohere di erent cultures. Millets were instituted by Sultan Mehmet II (Fatih) a er he had conquered Istanbul (Constantinople) in 1453 and began to lose its impor- tance with Tanzimat reforms through 1839. Ottoman citizens who related with di erent Millets had the rights like freedom of faith and religion. ey were free to follow their traditions in their education system, marriage and other areas of indigenous life. Minorities of Ottoman had the chance to have their own minority courts and judges in their cases related to civil law, like heritage and family law as an early sample of legal pluralism. Keywords: Legal Pluralism, Ottoman Administrative Regime, Millet System, Human Rights in Ottoman Empire