The latest formation of civil society institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan coincides with the beginning of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Civil society structures established at that time, such as "Gayghi", "Committee for People's Aid to Karabakh" etc. were closely involved in solving the fateful problems of the people. The establishment of the National Non-Governmental Organizations Forum in 1999 and the Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations in 2007 is important in terms of ensuring the active participation of NGOs in domestic public life. The article comments on the position of political parties in society in general, their role in the formation of political enlightenment and public opinion, the adoption of legislation by the state in Azerbaijan to create more favorable conditions for their activities. The free activity of religious communities and similar associations is enshrined in the country's constitution on freedom of conscience. The main direction of the state policy towards religious communities and associations is to strengthen religious tolerance, support existing religious denominations and protect religious values. The role of trade unions will ensure social stability in Azerbaijani society. Labor rights-friendly Trade Unions are closely involved in drafting legislation on labor, social and economic issues. One of the main structural elements of civil society is the non-governmental media providing citizens with access to a wide range of sources. The official measures taken by Azerbaijan serves to support freedom of speech, opinion, information, and media ensuring their close participation in addressing society-prioritized issues. The author analyzes the issues related to the activities of the main civil society institutions, by casting light on governmental measures to develop them. Keywords: Azerbaijan, civil society, state power, modern period


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