Tekno-Politika Çağında Vatandaşlık,

In our modern world, where new communication technologies are hyperized, civil activities can be performed via these technologies, as a result of which digital citizenship concept is being discussed in numerous contexts. In this article, the digital citizenship concept will be addressed in a critical and theoretical context, and the concept of citizenship which changed with technology and the social reflections of digital citizenship will be discussed within the context of media, politics.

Citizenship in the Techno-Politics Age

In our modern world, where new communication technologies are hyperized, civil activities can be performed via these technologies, as a result of which digital citizenship concept is being discussed in numerous contexts. In this article, the digital citizenship concept will be addressed in a critical and theoretical context, and the concept of citizenship which changed with technology and the social reflections of digital citizenship will be discussed within the context of media, politics.


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