Türk-Yunan Yakınlaşma Sürecinin Sürekliliğini Açıklamak

Yunanistan ile Türkiye arasında 1999’da başlayan yakınlaşma süreci dikkati çeken bir süreklilik sergilemektedir.

Explaining the Endurance of Greek-Turkish Rapprochement Process

The rapprochement process that has been initiated since 1999 between Greece and Turkey hasdemonstrated a remarkable endurance. According to this article this endurance is due to two mainreasons: Firstly, to the political and socio-economic capital that has been accumulated as a result ofthis process. Secondly, to the autonomous character that this rapprochement is gradually acquiringand thus is becoming less dependent to external variables such as the European prospect for Turkeyand the resolution of the Cyprus problem.


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