Küresel Ekonomik Yönetişim: Bağlayıcılığı Olmayan Hukuktan Kaynaklanan Yeni bir Rejim mi?

Son ekonomik krizin başlaması sonrasında yeni ekonomik gerçekliğin kurallarının neler

Global Economic Governance: A New Regime through Soft Law?

Since the onset of the current economic crisis, a global debate on the regulation of the neweconomic reality has intensified. Challenging three traditional governance assumptions (theWestphalian system of states, national policies and its hard-law norms), the paper will examinethe activities of the Group of 20 towards developing a new global economic regime, drawingon aspects of the regime theory and global governance concepts. After analyzing three distinctmodels of supranational governance, the paper will show the relevance of soft law in successfulimplementation of new global norms.


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