In this research, to what extent the perceived parenthood style of emerging adults who are involved in a romantic relationship (flirt, dating, engagement) with the opposite gender at least 6 months in Turkey between the ages of 19-26 directly and via personality traits predict relationship satisfaction is studied. The data of the study was gathered from 417 emerging adults. Data was evaluated implementing independent sampling t-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Bootstrap based on Regression according to the objectives of this study. In this study, when the research variables were examined according to gender, differences in emotional instability dimension and relationship satisfaction. According to the results in the relationship between acceptance perceived from the mother and relationship satisfaction in emerging adulthood, the mediation effect of emotional instability is revealed to be statistically important. Also, in the relationship between acceptance perceived from the father and relationship satisfaction in emerging adulthood, the mediation effects of emotional instability and openness to experience are seen to be statistically important. The direct and total effect of strict supervision and control on relationship satisfaction are seen to be statistically unimportant and that the personality features are not mediating in this relationship.


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