Floods have come to the forefront among natural disasters with their devastating effects on human history. Floods ranked second after earthquakes in terms of loss of life and property in Turkey, and ranked first among meteorological disasters. Edirne, a historical city located on the fertile lands formed by the floodplains of the Arda, Meriç, and Tunca rivers, has frequently witnessed floods. This study aimed to reveal the results of the floods and overflows in a certain section of the history of the republic with its social dimensions in Edirne. Archive records and media organs of the period constituted the sources of the research. A method based on scanning the sources, chronological processing, and analysis of the obtained information-data was followed. It has been determined that the floods have negative effects on the dimensions of social life in Edirne, including production, communication, transportation, energy, and historical structures.

A Local Example of Natural Disasters Effects on Social History: Floods in Edirne and Its Surroundings in The Period 1931-1941 and Their Consequences

Floods have come to the forefront among natural disasters with their devastating effects in human history. Floods ranked second after earthquakes in terms of loss of life and property in Turkey, and ranked first among meteorological disasters. Edirne, a historical city located on the fertile lands formed by the floodplains of the Arda, Meriç and Tunca rivers, has frequently witnessed floods. This study aimed to reveal the results of the floods and overflows in a certain section of the history of the republic with its social dimensions in Edirne. Archive records and media organs of the period constituted the sources of the research. A method based on scanning the sources, chronological processing and analysis of the obtained information-data was followed. It has been determined that the floods have negative effects on the dimensions of social life in Edirne, including production, communication, transportation, energy and historical structures.


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