Bal Arısı (Apis Mellifera L.) Ve Diğer Böceklerin Çilek (Fragaria Sp.) Bitkisinin Polinasyonuna Olan Etkileri

Bu çalışma, İstanbul boğazı köyü (perşembe, ordu)‟nde bir dekarlık çilek bahçesinde yürütülmüştür. Çilek bitkisi çiçek açmadan önce bahçeye 0.57 m2 alanı kaplayacak şekilde 95 cm x 60 cm ebadında dokuz adet kafes yerleştirilmiştir. Bu kafeslerden: üç adedinin gözenek ebadı 4 mm x 4 mm, üç adedinin ise gözenek ebadı 1 mm x 1 mm olan tül ile kapatılmıştır. Diğer üç adet kafeste de tül kullanılmayarak kontrol gurubu oluşturulmuştur. Deneme bahçesine çiçeklenme öncesi iki adet balarısı kolonisi bırakılmıştır. Kontrol guruplarında çiçeklenme süresince üç gün aralıklarla belirlenen alan üzerinde 10 dakika süreyle balarıları ve morfolojik olarak balarılarından büyük olan böceklerin sayımları yapılmıştır. Çilek meyvesi olgunlaştıktan sonra üç gün ara ile meyveler toplanıp yerinde tartılmıştır. Bal arılarının 8.2 adet/m2 ziyaret yaptığı saptanmış olup morfolojik olarak bal arısına eşit veya daha büyük böceklerin ziyaret gerçekleştirmediği gözlemlenmiştir. Çalışma grubu içerisindeki uygulamalardan, çilek bitkisinde en yüksek verim 2320.8 gr/m² arı girişine serbest bırakılan birim alandan elde edilirken, bunu 1387.8 gr/m² verim ile rüzgar ve morfolojik olarak balarılarından küçük böceklerin etkili olduğu alan takip etmiştir. 733.1 gr/m² verim ile rüzgarın etkili olduğu alandan en az ürün elde edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Bal arısı, çilek, tozlaşma

The Effects of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.) and Other Insects on Pollination of Strawberry (Fragaria sp.) Plants

Goal: The effects of wind, insects and honey bees about strawberry plant‘s efficiency are examined in this study. Materials and Method: This study was performed in a strawberry field, about 1000 square meters, in the village of İstanbul Boğazı in Perşembe, Ordu Province. Nine cages, which had about 0,57 square meters area (95 cm x 60 cm dimensions), were put on the strawberry field before blooming. Three of the cages were covered by mesh which has 4 mm x 4 mm openings, three of the cages are covered by mesh which has 1 mm x 1 mm openings. The other cages were not covered by mesh for using as a control group. Two honey bee colonies were placed to test in the field before blooming period. Honey bees and insects larger than bees were counted in the control groups during the blooming period in 10 minutes with 3 days break. Ripe strawberries were harvested and weighted with 3 days break. Results and Conclusion: We found out that, honey bees‘ visiting rate was 8.2 bees/ m2 and insects which were equal to honey bees or larger than them by morphologically did not visit the flowers of strawberry plants. The biggest yield rate resulted 2320.8 gr/m2 was gained in the open bee-pollinated plots. Second yield rate results by 1387.8 gr /m2 was gained on the field that was exposed to wind and insects smaller than bees by morphologically. The effect of the wind by 733.1 gr/m2 was less effective than insects. It has been proved in the study that strawberry production has greatly improved by honey bee pollination. It has also been discovered that honeybees speeded up fruit ripeniry time up to about 3-4 days. It has been concluded in the study that glasshouse strawberry producers, when the glasshouses provided with bee colonies, may have great advantages. Since strawberry crops will be beter both in quality and quantity, they will have better marketing chances. The intent of fruit growing may be improved in quantity and quality of production. An important way of this is realization of pollination. Pollination of plants also depends on flower structure, wind, insects and other pollinators.


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