The problematique of collocations in the papers of Albanian students of German language

The problematique of collocations in the papers of Albanian students of German language

Collocations, as typical, specific, and characteristic combinations of two words, which may not always have a semantic explanation (Hausmann 1985:118), as well as other connections of words in the language of science, are considered to be an enormous source of mistakes in writing. In this paper, the object of study are students’ papers in the German language as a foreign language, where the level of mistakes is great. Judging and improving of written formulations is an important principle, proven methodologically. Regarding the standard of German language, i.e. interdisciplinary elements of German scientific diversity, this principle has not yet been properly used. The big importance and potential of this principle in the scientific language research also shows that the type of task "judging/improving of students’ papers" in the learning text and the book of exercises by Graefen and Moll is of great importance. Based on this principle, the seminar papers of Albanian students of German language for language correctness were studied and analyzed. In this paper I will try to present the results of this analysis.


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