BRIEF KALMYK-TURKMEN DICTIONARY AND SOME THOUGHTS ON ALTAIC (ın connectıon wıth the 140th annıversary of the bırth of V.L. Kotvıch and H.J. Ramstetd – gamous altaısts)

BRIEF KALMYK-TURKMEN DICTIONARY AND SOME THOUGHTS ON ALTAIC (ın connectıon wıth the 140th annıversary of the bırth of V.L. Kotvıch and H.J. Ramstetd – gamous altaısts)

In the article from the point of Altaic addresses issues related to the establishment of the ancient community of Kalmyk and Turkmen languages, based on a comparative study of lexical material that drawn from their modern dictionaries. Being the brightest representatives respectively Mongol and Turkic branch of the Altaic language family, Kalmyk and Turkmen languages preserved in its lexical composition as common ancient reservoir, and later borrowing from each other.


  • 1. Калмыцко-русский словарь. 26 000 слов. Под редакцией Б.Д. Муниева. – М., «Русский язык», 1977. –768 с.
  • 2. Кант И. Сочинения в шести томах. Том 2. – М., «Мысль», 1964. –511 с.
  • 3. Кормушин И.В. Алтайские языки // Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. Главный редактор В.Н. Ярцева. – М., «Советская Энциклопедия», 1990. – С.28. и др.