İsmayıl Hakkı Baltacıoğlu: Bir Ömür Pedagoji


İsmayıl Hakkı Baltacıoğlu: A Life Devoted to Pedagogy

The aim of this present study is to emphasize the importance of İsmayıl Hakkı Baltacıoğlu for the history of Turkish education. In this context, the first part of the study delves into the important milestones of Baltacıoğlu's life related to education. In the second part, his books projecting his thoughts on education such as Talim ve Terbiyede İnkılâp, İçtimaî Mektep and Pedagojide İhtilâl have been examined. Moreover, the studies and comments dealing with Baltacıoğlu's thoughts on education have been brought to light. This study stresses Baltacıoğlu's personality both as a teacher and an educational scientist. Baltacıoğlu has believed in the necessity of reforms in the mentality of education, in the aim of education and in the available teaching methods in Turkey and around the world. He has worked consistently in order to spread his thoughts on education through his writings and he has also attempted to apply them in the educational institutions.