Tarihin her döneminde pek çok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapan Mısır, topraklarında barındırdığı pek çok medeniyet özellikle de Firavun medeniyeti sayesinde dünyanın ilgi ve dikkatini çekmeye devam etmektedir. Selahaddin-i Eyyûbî gibi tarihî bir şahsiyetin Mısır'da idarî, dinî ve eğitim gibi pek çok önemli konularda düzenlemelerde bulunması hâlâ Mısırlılar tarafından hatırlanmaktadır. Memlükler döneminde bırakılan eserler de son derece önemlidir. Yavuz Sultan Selim'in Mısır fethi, bu ülkenin ilmî, ticarî ve idarî bakımdan kalkınmasını sağlamıştır. Bugün bile bıraktığı sayısız eserlerle Mısırlılar tarafından hep övgü ile söz edilip önemli yerlerde heykelleri dikilen Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa'ya Mısır Valiliği yolunun Yavuz Sultan Selim'in fethiyle açıldığı unutulmamalıdır. Osmanlılarla birlikte Türk kültür ve medeniyeti Mısır'da daha fazla etkin olmuştur. Mısır'da gelişen Türk kültür ve edebiyatı içinde geçtiğimiz yüzyılda Dîvân şiiri alanında önemli eserler verilmiştir. Bu eserler, Osmanlı döneminde Kahire sarayında ya da saraya yakın çevrede yetişen hanım şairlere aittir. Bu şairlerden Çeşmî Âfet Hanım Dîvânı, Doç. Dr. Semra Tunç hocamız tarafından, yayımlanmıştır. Yine aynı dönemin Kahire sarayındaki hanım şairlerinden birisi olan Gülperî Hanım'ın Güldeste-i Hâtırât'ı da Filiz Kalyon tarafından yayımlanmıştır. Sözünü ettiğimiz yüzyılda Dîvân şiiri sahasında Kahire'de yetişen önemli bir şahsiyet de Ayşe Teymûrî'dir. Türkçe Dîvânı'nda pek çok dil ve edebiyat malzemesi bulunmaktadır. Dîvân, tarafımızdan yayımlanmıştır. Ayşe Teymûrî, Mısır'da siyasî, kültürel ve edebiyat alanında etkili olan Teymûrî sülalesine mensuptur. Ülkemizde hakkında kısaca bilgi verilen iki ansiklopedi maddesinin dışında; Türkiye'deki edebiyat ve ilim çevrelerine tanıtılması, M. A. Yekta Saraç'ın "Türk Edebiyatının Mısır'da Unuttuğu Bir Şair: Aişe İsmet Teymûr" isimli makalesi ile olmuştur. Prof. Dr. Yekta Saraç, bu makaleyi 1995 yılında İlmî Araştırmalar dergisinde yayımlamıştır. Arap dünyasında da bazı önemli edebiyatçılar tarafından Ayşe Teymûrî hakkında önemli yayınlar yapılıp ansiklopedi maddeleri yazılmıştır. Bu yayınlardan en önemlisi, Hıristiyan kimliği ve Arap edebiyatı çalışmaları ile dikkat çeken Bayan Mey Ziyâde'nin yazdığı "Şâiretü't-tali'a A'işe Teymûr" isimli kitaptır. Mey Ziyâde bu kitabında, Ayşe Teymûrî'yi Türkçe, Arapça ve Farsça şiir yazmasından dolayı "Üç dilli şair" olarak vasıflandırmaktadır


history, now continues to attract interest and attention through the civilizations which lived in its lands especially the Pharaoh civilization. A person like Salahaddin-i Ayyûbî who arranged a lot of things in Egypt like education, religion and administrative work, is still being memorialized by the Egyptians. The works left from the Mamluk civilization are also important. The conquest of Egypt by Yavuz Sultan Salim helped this country to recover itself in sciences, trades and administrative work. Even today, Kavalalı Mahmat Ali Pasha is being praised by Egyptians and being sculptured as monuments. He became the governor of Egypt through the conquest by Yavuz Sultan Selim. With the Ottomans, Turkish culture popularity increased in Egypt. In the 20th century, important works published in Ottoman poetry genre. These works belong to mesdames who lived in the Cairo palace or in places which are near to the palace. Ottoman poetry Cheshmî Âfet Hanim Dîvâni was published by Associate Professor Semra Tunç. And one of the poets who lived in the same period at the Cairo palace Gulparî Hanim's Guldasta-i Hâtirât was published by Filiz Kalyon In the same century, another important personality was Aisha Taymûrî who grew up in Cairo. She was born in 1840, in Cairo. She belongs to the famous Taymûrî family which was influential in cultures and politics. According to the information given by, a researcher who comes into prominence with her Christian personality, Mari Ziyada, Aisha Taymûrî's grandfather Mohamed Kâshif, (Mohamed Taymûr bin Ismail bin Ali Kurdî) moved to Cairo with Ottoman soldiers after the French exited from Egypt. Aisha Ismat Hanim's father Ismail Taymûrî was the president of the Assembly of Hidiviyye. Akmaladdin Ihsanoglu also gave important information about Aisha Taymûrî's breed in his book called "Mısır'da Türkler ve Kültürel Mirasları" (Turks in Egypt and Their Cultural Heritages) which is: Aisha Taymûrî belongs to a Kurd, Turk and Circassian mixed-race family. Born from the marriage of Ismail Taymûr Pasha and a Circassian odalisque. Aisha Ismat Hanim was the aunt of the Modern Egypt literature-short story genre's successfull name, Mahmud Taymûr . She encouraged him to literature in his childhood years. She lived her childhood in a situation which was her mother and father always discussing how to educate her and every time contradicting each other. Her mother wanted her to be educated in a traditional tailoring school. But Aisha Ismat Hanım was so opposite from her mother's thoughts about her education. She was in tow of more important things according to her. One of the important things was eavesdropping her father's conversations about various subjects with the guests who comes to his council. She was educated with the lessons that her father and other teachers gave to her. She grew up with a strict literary education. She got married with Mehmet Tavfik Afandi and moved to Istanbul. She lost her mother in 1869, her father in 1872, and she lost her husband Mehmet Tavfik in 1875. Aisha Ismat Hanim, lost her dear daughter from a remediless sickness. And she experienced a heavy sorrow in the most productive years of her life. She gave up poetry and literature. Not only giving up with them, she burned some of her poems. After that she began concentrating on Muslim deeds and religious subjects. She died in 1320/1902. Mari Ziyada wrote a book about Aisha Taymuri, and she wrote about Aisha Ismat Hanim's house's features in the 4th chapter of the book which titled "Şairenin Evi" (The Poet's House). The house's most important feature was gathering the period's poets and writers. Her house was almost a gathering and chatting place for poets and writers. She wrote up successful poems in languages: Arabic, Persian and Turkish. She burned all of the Persian poems she wrote. And the ones which she didn't burn were published in the form of "Dîvâns" (Ottomans) with the insistences and efforts of her son Mahmud. The works she wrote in Turkish and Arabic: 1. Dîvân (Şükûfe) 2. Hilyetü't-Tırâz 3. Net'âicü'l-Ahvâl fi'l-Akvâl ve'l- Ef'al 4. Mirâtü't-Teemmül fi'l-Umûr 5. Lâ Tusluhu'l- Ailât illâ bi't-Terbiyeti'l-Benât There are a lot of language and literature materials in Turkish Divân (Ottoman). Divân, was published by us. Introducing her to the literature and language science communities was first materialized with M. A. Yekta Sarach's article named "Türk Edebiyatının Mısır'da Unuttuğu Bir Şair: Aişe İsmet Teymûr" (Aisha Ismat Taymûr: The Poet Which Has Been Forgotten in Egypt by Turkish Literature). Prof. Dr. Yekta Sarach, published this article in 1995 in "İlmî Araştırmalar Dergisi" (Academic Researches Magazine). Aisha Taymûrî was also introduced to Arab world by important litterateurs throught publishing as encyclopaedia articles. The most important one from these publications is "Şâiretü't-tali'a A'işe Teymûr" which belongs to Madame Mari Ziyada who comes into prominence with her Christian personality and Arab literature works. In this book of her, Mari Ziyada defines Aisha Taymûrî as "Üç dilli şair" (The three languaged poet). The recognition of Aisha Ismat Taymuri's poems in our country is important for protecting the Turkish culture and legacy in Egypt. Writers like these, creates the important bridge between two cultures. Aisha Ismat Hanim is also an important example for the girls in Islam world who needs to be well educated and who needs to get the appreciation which they deserve in society. From the point of her homeland, Aisha Ismat Hanim who knows Arabic and Turkish languages well, also learned the Persian language. She knows the three of them enough to write poems using them. In this work, we mention the three languaged poet (by Mari Ziyada's description) Aisha Taymuri, and introduce the three languaged gazell


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