Turizm birçok farklı disiplini içerisinde barındıran bir alandır; ekonomi, finans, sosyoloji, coğrafya, mühendislik, pazarlama, iletişim vb. Özellikle günümüzde, gelişen görsel işitsel iletişim teknolojisinin kullanımı ve bunun yeni medya araçları üzerinden dünyanın her yerine çok kısa sürede ulaşması, sinema ve turizm alanlarını birbirine her zamankinden daha fazla işbirliğinde olmaya zorlamıştır.?Bu ilişkinin en önemli ortak ayağını ise kültür ve tanıtım olgusu meydana getirmektedir. Ülkelerin ve kentlerin imajının oluşturulmasında sinema turizm ilişkisi belirleyici bir etkiye sahip olurken filmler turistlerin gidecekleri yerler hakkında karar vermelerinde önemli bir unsura dönüşmüştür. Bu makalede kültürel, sosyolojik ve iletişimsel anlamda Alain Grenier'in tanımlamaları çerçevesinde 'sine-turizm' kavramının incelenmesi, televizüel yöntemlerin ve sinemanın Türkiye'ye özellikle İstanbul'un kent imajına yapacağı katkının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Sinemanın İstanbul'un ve Türkiye'nin imajına yapabileceği katkılar sinema turizmi ve/veya film turizmini oluşturan unsurlar oluşturulmasında devletin ve sektörün çalışmaları göz önünde bulundurularak incelenmiştir. Sine-turizm'in Türkiye'deki iki boyutu, Türkiye ve İstanbul'a ilişkin imgelerin yaratılmasında televizyon dizilerinin ve sinema filmlerinin etkileri bazı örnek filmler, diziler ve projeler üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Türkiye'ye gelecek olan potansiyel turistlerin tercihlerinde ve yurt dışındaki yabancıların zihinlerindeki Türkiye ve İstanbul imajında sinemanın ne denli önemli rol oynadığı ortaya konmuştur. Özellikle son yıllarda televizyon dizilerinin yabancı ülkelere pazarlanması Türkiye'nin olumlu tanıtımına hizmet etmiş, Türk tarihine ve çeşitli mekanlara merakı arttırmıştır. Aynı şeyi sinema için söylemek mümkün olmamakla birlikte yapılan çalışmalar umut verici görünmektedir


Objective of the Study Engineering, marketing, communication etc. Today more than ever, rapidly developing audiovisual communication technologies, which can be disseminated worldwide thanks to new media tools, are forcing the fields of cinema and tourism to cooperate more fully than in the past. The most important common thread between the two are the concepts of culture and promotion. The relationship between cinema and tourism has always been very important when creating an image for countries and cities. The term cine-tourisme refers to the idea that films help decide the destinations that tourists will travel to. This article will explore the importance of the film industry in forming strategies for the promotion of cultural tourism in Turkey and Istanbul. The study will focus on key concepts relating to the promotion of the culture of countries and cities, the development of cultural tourism in Turkey, and its contribution to efforts for promotion. Method of the Study Nowadays the social and psychological difficulties that people experienced had turned tourism into an escape area. The urbanite wantsto go away whenever he/she has a chance. “The cities do not wait for the tourists to come. In order to produce and spread all over the World, they attempt to attend global roaming too” (Groys 2014:107). People try the ways of alternative approval and honoring, created by globalization instead of political pushes in converting the place they are living socially, culturally and politically. Should it be necessary to explain the social effects and their relations with the cinema affecting tourism, it would be seen that the technology has an important role. Because of the fact that thought of media tools’ having an important effect of society’s getting information in somesubjects and giving decisions on this article, the role of cinema is tried to be revealed, yet it is an important factor on the decision for travelling. In other wordsby giving the emotional activity, the movies givethe modern urbanites the opportunity of preference of the places they can go. The popular discriminations about the popular culture, reproduced touristically and popularized globally are created to travel artistically, socially and industrially by cinema and television. That’s why there should be a study on the effect and importance of movie just because it is a phenomenon to motivate people for the choice of their trip destination. In this article the concept called ‘cine-tourism’,based upon the relation of cinema and tourism is revealed as an interdisciplinary notion related to sociological and communication studies. A socio-scientific perspective is used naturally to analyze the socio-cultural roots of tourism through the art of cinema and in this context a literature survey is created. In the aspect of communication cinema field’s hypothesis and notion’s being reflected from the tourism concept and tourism including human affairs is approached as a context of viewertourist and film-destination. As looking around the roots of cine-tourism; after the Second World War especially the effects of Hollywood films like Hollywood in Rome(1953), Holliday Trips by M. Hullot(1953) influenced the audience to travel. In that way every viewer set off to live their imaginations that they have dreamed within their own world. “This situation makes a two stepped spatial status. The first one is the place and the properties of this place, the second one is the unreal place created by cinema” (Grenier 2011:80). In fact the word comes from movie induced tourisme(tourism of movie effect) meaning in an exact region it is aboutshooting a movie related to tourism. For this reason the restriction of movie is omitted by using movie induced tourisme(tourism of movie effect)and DVD, video films and tv series are also integrated into this notion(Beeton 2005: 9). Thereby in that article film tourism does not only mean cinema film but also tv film, DVD and video (product including all the audio visual tools). John Connel (2009) calls the term including tourism movements, induced by TV programmes, videos and cinema as screen tourisme(p.2). With all notion the method of utilization from all televisual tools especially cinema in order to increase the success in tourism is the most important one. For this reason the influence of films on tourism is derived from the important factors such as “ motivating the people, going on a trip, creating new images, generating alternative images, forming icons etc.” (Beeton 2005:20) Aside from the reality of the city, cinema is the epitome of motivation that gives a fillip to potential turists. The reason that leads the intended population (according to us the intended population is the potential tourists) to an exact manner or behavior ( leading them to visit our country for touristic purpose) are the information, images or subjective realities occuring in individuals’ minds related to this subject or object(Süer 1990:23). Images and sterotype thoughts (subjective realities) have an important place that influence the intercultural communications. Nations form an intellectual fiction about the other nations by putting themselves in the centre. Who is giving which message using which channel in creating that perception is very important. Turkish characters, created in some foreign movies, has always given harm to Turkey’s image. Hence, cine-tourism is one of the most important opportunities, used for straightening or/and creating the damaged Turkey image, in the structure of cinema and tourism. Cinetourism helps the places used in the cinema and tourism, opened to the international visits. Tv series are the most important effects allowingTurkey’s presentation, image and tourist motivation; further more, they are watched by millions of people in which the country they are exported Further more, a lot of Turkish serial films (Muhteşem Yüzyıl, Kurtlar Vadisi, Yabancı Damat, Kuzey Güney, Gümüş, Aşkı Memnu, Ezel, Yaprak Dökümü, etc. ) being watched abroad is very important fact both for the positive image and local presentation of our country. Nowadays nearly 150 millions of people watch Turkish Tv series. These are mostly Balcans, Middle East and Turkish Republics. The other component of high concern is the foreign films shooted in Turkey. These films are Topkapı,Midnight Express, From Russia With Love were shooted inTurkey years ago, The Accidental Spy, Ghost Rider 2, Bond Skyfall, Operation: Argo vb. were shooted lately. The films except Midnight Express displayed negative image and did not represent Turkey realistically in socio-cultural aspect. Especialy in the recent years, Turkey has an interest locally just because of the reason that provides the place for the films not having been able to be shooted in the Middle East. Not having enough power of creating the image and motivation with its own films, Turkey can make up fort, by supporting the foreign films and by also causing important benefits for tourism and presentation of the country. Cine-tourism daoes not consist of just film location. Every year, Bollywood organizes its award ceremony ,which has the equal value with the Oscar awards, in different countries for globalization. The Bollywood award contributes many things to the country where it is organized. Many Indians go there just for these ceremonies. These ceremonies are thought to be organized in Turkey fort he next years. The eight episodes of the most popular two Indian Tv series were shooted in Turkey and this increased the number of Indian tourists coming to Turkey once a year from 5000 to 100.000. Results and recommendations Displaying of countries and humans negatively or positively in films has an important efect to create an image. If it is thought that the tourists who watch the scenes in the films and do not have positive effects so they do not go to that places, it would be seen that it has quite important influence on the potential tourists who want to come Turkey. Foreign tourists are impressed by the films that they watch counciously or unconciously while they prefer their destination. Especially, nowadays the marketing of these tv series to the foreign countries helped Turkey to be demonstrated positively, increased the curiosity of Turkish history and its different places. It is not possible to say the same thing fort he cinema but the works promise hope for the next years. Fort his reason teh suggesstions can be helpful to consider that are written below:  In order to contribute cultural tourism, There should be professional and experienced film maker team that helps the foreign team, coming to Turkey. The ministry of culture should be sponsorfor the films which are going to be shooted in Turkey thus it should give attention to change the Turkish image in the films.  Everything should be provided by the goverment to commerce Turkish series, presenting our culture and country to the foreign countries having sympathy for the country.  The filming and the places in our country should be shown to the audio visual industry on the Internet. The successful films, shooted in the past should bein the portfolio as examples. The world film maker should be leaded to produce films in our country, the cultural organisations, groups; moreover, universities should be ensured to come to our country on the purpose of introducing Turkish society, cultural heritage, tourism, history and arts. There is one place answering the discription of set is called Tekfen Film Studios in Antalya. There is no set in İstanbul and this is a great need.  For especially cinema fans awell-rounded cinemamuseum donated with all kinds of materials should be founded immediately in İstanbul.  Moral and material support should be given to Turkish cinema in order that Turkey can apply the festivals abroad. Because the subject is not important. The most important thing is a subject that is talked.


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