Kadının ev ve çalışma hayatını biçimlendiren en önemli öğe ataerkil toplum yapısıdır. Erkek egemenliğinin hüküm sürdüğü bu yapı içerisinde kadın, cinsiyetinden dolayı evin içiyle sınırlı tutulurken, erkek kamusal alanda söz sahibidir. Kadınların çalışma hayatında yer alması, cinsiyete özgü işlerde çalıştırılmalarına ve ayrımcılığa maruz kalmalarına neden olmuştur. Çünkü kadının evdeki işlerden sorumlu bir cins olarak tanımlanması, çalışma yaşamındaki emeğinin değersizleşmesine ve erkekten daha aşağı bir statüde görülmesine yol açmıştır. Bu nedenle kadınlar 1960'lı yıllardan itibaren var olan egemen erkek üstünlüğünü oluşturan yapı içerisinde haklarını elde etmek için toplumsal hareketlere girişmişlerdir. İngiltere'de Ford fabrikasında çalışan 187 kadın işçinin 1968 yılında "eşit işe, eşit ücret" sloganıyla başlattığı direnişi konu edinen "Made in Dagenham" filmi 1960'lı yıllardaki kadın hareketini temsil edici niteliktedir. Filmin anlatısı içerisinde, bu yıllarda ortaya çıkan kadın hareketlerinin toplumsal, siyasal ve ekonomik yönlerine dair de önemli temsil biçimleri ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kadının çalışma yaşamını örnekleyen filmin çözümlenmesinde göstergebilimsel yöntem uygulanmıştır. Göstergebilimsel çözümlemede anlatıyı inşa eden kesitlerin ele alındığı dizimsel çözümlemede film anlatısı 5 kesite ayrılmış, karakterlerin ve olay örgüsünün yaşadığı dönüşümler değerlendirilmiştir. Dizisel çözümleme aşamasında ise anlam üretiminde kullanılan karşıtlıklar tespit edilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır. Bu karşıtlıklar içerisinde ön plana çıkan en temel zıtlıklar toplumsal cinsiyet farklılığı olarak kadın/erkek ayrımı, kadınların mekânsal alanlarının eviçi/iş yaşamı olarak bölümlenmesidir


The most important element which shapes woman’s domestic and work life is patriarchic society structure. While woman is kept limited with domestic border in this structure on which man dominancy existss, man has power in public sphere. Women’s place in work life caused sex-specific work distribution and their subjection to discretion. Because identification of woman as responsible from domestic work led to a perspective at which her work life labour is degraded and placed at a lower degree than men. For this reason, beginning from 1960’s, women attempted social movements. Made In Dagenham film, which takes the resistance that 187 women working in Ford factory started with the slogan “Equal Wage for Equal Work” as subject, has the quality of representing women’s movement in 1960’s. In this study, semiological method was used to analyze the film that samples women’s work life. The short story of the analyzed film is as follows: In 1968, 187 women workers were on duty at Ford’s River factory in Dagenham, besides 55.000 male workers. Women workers’ mission is to knit seat coatings for Ford automobiles. Women workers, who undertake an important work from door panel to seat coating, are kept in “unqualified worker” status, in which there’s no word for having a right in work life. Women workers, who don’t accept their labour being evaluated in this status, write a complaint letter to management. However cannot get a reply. Women workers, who also take the support of Albert (Bob Hoskins), Ford’s workplace representative, take a job quitting protest for one-day duration. Women workers, who receive an unexpected reply from management, find the tone very hard. Women, who don’t accept the letter, which is written in men jargon, take on to resistance against Ford management. In the system analysis part of parsing, film storytelling is divided into 5 elementary sections in the context of evolutions that the characters experienced. These are; starting state, adoption of the teaching, evolution, refusal and termination. In the first section, there are descriptions related to domestic and work lies of the characters. The second section involves the decision of Rita, film’s main character, for contributing in the meeting, which will be held with Ford authorities. The third section is the evolution section that is experienced in the storytelling. The process, starting with a complaint letter, turns into a job quitting protest for one-day duration. First strike of women, who departed for full purpose of seeking their rights starts. Women workers cause the entire machinery stop at Ford’s Dagenham factory into a complete silence, at the struggle for their invisible labour. Women workers start their strike, gathering in front of the factory with their banners. Full support is provided for Rita and her friends who tell, “At least, they can understand that we are serious”. Women workers who need to have their voices heard for showing up that they are desperate, hold their banners; “No seat cover for you today, Mr. Ford”, with ambition. One day strike of women workers, immediately appear in product stocks. Because, one day strike of women, who produce seat cover by manual labour, cause seat stocks to decrease. In other words, women succeed in informing Ford management that they are not unqualified workers and capitalist system needs women labour. Fourth section takes the process to strike while women workers fall out with Ford management. In the last section of termination status, describe the success of women, who depart with the slogan “Equal Wage for Equal Work”. In the system analysis of parsing, antagonisms, which exist in storytelling, take places. According to this, main antagonisms of the film are as follows: Women/men, Domestic Life/Work Life, Qualified/Unqualified, Boss/Worker, Strike/Adoption, Slave/Worker. These antagonisms function as elementary keystones of the meaning produced in the film. At the basis of the evolution that the characters experienced through the film storytelling, lies realisation of women about their iniquity that they experienced. However, at the other side, organization of women around this realisation and exhibition of solidarity is expressed in relation with their sight on their potentials and their contribution of value in work life. For this reason, one of the main proposals of the film is the emphasis that the success in right seeking and right gaining is possible with women’s self-recognition in social life, sight on their potentials and exhibition of solidarity among themselves. The change which film’s characters experience also proves this. Another important subject is the bilateral completive structure of domestic and work lives. In the film, women’s discrimination in work life is also valid for domestic life. Presentation of waging and negative conditions at work life also as valid for domestic life, indicates that, the problem is to be searched neither in work nor domestic lives; rather, in patriarchal social structure. For this reason, surpass over patriarchal view at work life, following a definite struggle, provides with evolution at domestic life naturally. The male dominant structure which patriarchal structure created collapses, when women, who withdraw from domestic roles, also quit their works in the factory. As the roles that women undertake at domestic life inherit to men, voices become heard from male side, for domestic order restoration with women’s return to work life. And the male dominant management at work life loses partial discipline with women’s withdrawal. For this reason, production at Ford’s factory comes to point of stopping. When Ford management who describe women as unqualified workers fall out into the situation of lack of seat covers for their brand new model automobiles, factory’s gates are this time closed for also male workers. When men, who provide house 2 Neslihan GÖKER Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/6 Spring 2015 economy’s gears to turn in patriarchal system, lose their jobs, they give up supporting women’s strike. However, women continue their struggle and have their voices heard by Minister of Labour, Barbara Castle and at last gain equal work conditions with men. General male dominant sight, who see women as passive and adoptive, this time start to memorialize and tell them as pioneers of a movement. In the film, Barbara Castle, from this point of view, is presented as an important figure. Castle’s existence as women takes place as an important element in the storytelling. For this reason, the deep meaning in the storytelling emerges. The main helper of women against patriarchal structure is again women. In the film, women’s gain of power and existence at important positions is exposed


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