Le rapport rigoureux entre la migration, le marché de travail et l'éducation se révèle comme une réalité concrète dans les théories ainsi que celles qui sont énoncés dans la recherche. Le présent cas est énoncé plus clairement à l’étude telle que migration décrit dans le contexte "de la théorie du capital humain». Il existe de nombreuses théories expliquant le phénomène de la migration. Ces théories ne sont pas capables d'expliquer tous les aspects du phénomène en question. Leur défaut ne peut pas traduire qu'elles sont invalide pour l'expliquer. Chaque met l'accent sur un aspect différent de l'analyse de la migration. Cependant, lorsqu'on examine dans cette étude des aspects liés de capital humain de la migration, on se concentre sur «la théorie macro-migration de l'économie néo-classique " et «la théorie micro-migration de l'économie néo-classique».Le but de cette étude est de comparer dans le contexte des indicateurs fondamentaux de la main d'œuvre le statut d'éducation des migrants à l'intérieur de leur propre pays avec ce des résidents. Dans ce contexte, on a été demandé s'il y a une différence entre le statut d'éducation des migrants dans l'âge actif, le travail et l'emploi et ce des résidents. En outre, d'autre question est relative aux salaires des employés, en matière de leur niveau d'éducation, si une différence se présente selon leur statut résidentiel.La recherche a été planifiée sur la base des données de l'Enquête 2012 auprès des ménages. Dans ce contexte, on a émerge une différence dans les statuts de l'éducation de la population soit en âge d'active, soit dans la main d'œuvre et l'emploi selon leur situation résidentiel. Dans cette étude on a prouvé que les individus qui ont entrainé les flux migratoires étaient plus instruits que les résidents. D'autre part, obtenir plus de frais par les migrants dans l'emploi par rapport aux résidents dans le même statut est un autre résultat important de cette étude.

Close relationship between migration, labor market and education is emerging as a reality in theories as well as those set forth in the research. This case is set out more clearly in the studies which described the migration in the context of the "human capital theory". There are many theories explaining the phenomenon of migration. These theories are unable to explain every aspect of the phenomenon in question. Nonetheless their insufficiency does not mean their invalidity to explain migration phenomenon. Each of them focuses on a different aspect of the migration analysis. However, because of the migration study examined aspects related to "human capital"; it has been lean towards neo-classical economic theory of macro migration" and "neoclassical economic theory of micro migration". Internal migration creating a modification in regional supply of labour affects the level of their development. Internal migration creating a modification in regional supply of labor affects the level of their development. The qualification of the migrant labour force has a great importance for origin as well as destination region. Migration of qualified labour force emerges as a great loss for the origin regions, contradictory this is a gain for destination region. In this context, the examination of the educational level of migrant labour force in the framework of basic indicators of labour market will benefit the evaluation of education, migration and employment policies as well. Purpose of the Study The aim of this study was to compare the educational status of the internal migrant labor force with these of the resident's in the context of basic labor force indicators. In this context, it is intended to answer the following questions. 1. Is there any difference between educational status of the migrants in working age and that of residents? 2. Is there any difference between the educational status of migrants in labor and that of residents? 3. Is there any difference between the educational status of migrants in employment and that of residents? 4. Is there any difference as wages of employees in consideration of educational status conditionally their residential status? Method Research is planned the year 2012 Household Labor Force Survey data based implemented by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI). In the study in question, the educational level of working age population have been identified by analyzing data for Household Labor Force Survey year 2012 implemented by TSI. In the year 2012 Household Labor Force Survey, in the question number 13, has been asked all individual their last, most recent, educational diploma holder institution. Answers consist of six options. These are: who are little than 0-6 years ", "school uncompleted", "primary school (5 years)", "primary, secondary and vocational secondary school (8 years)", "public school", "vocational or technical school," "college faculty and over "shape. On the other hand the question of the survey number 14 is associated with being literate or not. In this context, "who is little than 0-6 years" kept except, according to their answer to the question number 14, "who is not completed a school" were divided into two groups: "literate" "illiterate". In the context of these responses in the study, the level of education was grouped in the following way: "those who don't finish a school" were grouped "illiterate" and "literate". There exist an important population graduate’s primary school when the eight-year compulsory primary school is not obligatory, that's why they are grouped as graduated "primary school". On the other hand, secondary school graduates (including secondary vocational schools) before the arrangement of eight-year primary have been evaluated in conjunction with primary school graduates with primary graduates, because of their educational period duration. The high school graduates and high school vocational graduates are grouped as "secondary". Two-year college graduates, the four-year college and university graduates with masters and doctoral graduates are grouped as a graduate "higher and over qualified". In our study, the average years of schooling of the various groups as the working age population, labor and in employment, are calculated. In this scope it has been determined certain period of education listed above. Time for "illiterate group" was considered as zero. "Literacy" group educational period were regarded as a year, "elementary school" graduates have been identified as five years. In this context, it has been accepted that "primary" graduated eight years and "high school" graduated eleven years and "higher and higher" graduated fifteen years of education. In this context, the educational average time of the various groups has been calculated by dividing the number of individuals in the group collected educational time corresponding to the education level of graduation of all individuals involved in the group. Household Labour Force Survey data Year 2012 before being subjected to analysis, the weighing process has been made. In this study, according to the nature of the data and established hypotheses (average educational level and average wage of migrants and residents), T-test analysis has been conducted for the two unrelated sample mean. Evidences Educational levels of the working age population have been identified for analyzing Household Labor Force Survey data Year 2012 implemented by Turkish Statistical Institute. In this framework, it has emerged certain diffence in the educational status of various population group as working age, employed and labor according to their residential situation. In this study, evidence that migrants are more educated than the residents has emerged. On the other hand, paid workers migrating to work get more fees than residents were another important finding. Results and Discussion The close relationship between migration, labor market and education has emerged as a reality set forth in the theories as well as those in the research. This case was set out more clearly in the studies which described migration in the context of "human capital theory". It is possible to perceive it in the studies of E. G. Ravenstein one of the pioneers and who provide the largest contribution to this issue. There are numerous theories explaining the phenomenon of migration. These theories are devoiced to explain every aspect of the phenomenon in question. Their incapacities do not mean that they are invalid to explain le phenomenon of migration. Each one focuses on a different aspect of the migration analysis. However, because of the this migration study in question examined aspects related to human capital, it has been addressed on "neo-classical economic macro migration theory " and "neo-classical economic micro migration theory" The first systematic statement on migration had been embodied in the framework of "neo-classical economic macro migration theory". It is understood that this migration theory inspired by the neo-classical regional growth model" and "neo-classic labor market theory". It was envisaged labor force mobility in the context of supply-demand balance in the neo-classic labor market theory while migration theory focus on pull and push factors and tried to explain labor mobility. Many researchers who work on migration issue suggest that being educated as a factor that strengthens the tendency to migrate (Chiswick, 2000; McCormick & Wahba, 2001). It was concluded same resultat in the research conducted in Turkey as well. Kocaman (2008), in his study relevant for the period 1990-2000, revealed that the %11 of total population migrated from relatively social and economically underdeveloped regions and agglomeration to the developed western regions and metropolis and these migrants were generally educated. The finding of this study is parallel with these results. These findings indicate that the average level of education of migrants both in working age population and labor force and those employed is higher than the of residents. High educational status of migrant could be acceptable for two reasons. The first cause is that people is more educated, because they participated migration flux in order to get better educational opportunities for themselves and their children as well. The second is the higher possibility of finding better jobs for more qualified and educated persons in destination places. Another finding of the study is migrants paid worker work with higher wages than residents. This study finding indicate the consistence with other studies which report that geographical mobility emerging as a result of migration provide a high return on a value-added (Bonin et all., 2008, 58). As a result, the phenomenon of migration is a plus value for the destination region while it constitutes a loss for the origin region.


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