15 Temmuz darbe girişimi, Türkiye'de siyasi ve bürokratik yapının şekillenmesinde hangi faktörlerin daha etkin olduğunu göstermek açısından stratejik bir öneme haizdir. Özellikle silahlı kuvvetler bünyesine girmiş ve çok iyi bir şekilde kendini kamufle etmeyi başarmış örgüt/örgütler, gerek darbe girişimi ve gerekse darbe sonrası Olağanüstü Hal kapsamında çıkarılan Kanun Hükmünde Kararnameler ile olayın vahametini bir kez daha gözler önüne sermiştir. Söz konusu durumun meydana gelmesinin pek çok nedeni olabilir. Ancak, yönetim bilimi açısından konuyu Chris Argyris'in "Olgunlaşma Teorisi" bağlamında irdelemek gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da, Temmuz 2016 sonrası özellikle, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerindeki ihraç kararnamelerini esas alarak, ilgili kuruluşların yönetim ilke ve uygulamalarını olgunlaşma teorisi çerçevesinde analiz etmektir. Bu yüzden, önce Argyris'in olgunlaşma teorisinin temel ilke ve tespitleri ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra 2016'da çıkartılan Olağanüstü Hal Kanun Hükmünde Kararnameleri ve diğer resmi kaynaklar temelinde, bu dönemdeki Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinden yapılan ihraçlar ve açığa almalara dair veriler, karşılaştırmalar ve hesaplamalar ile durum tespiti yapılmıştır. Konuyla ilgili hem literatür taraması yapılmış, hem de resmi kaynaklardan veriler derlenmiştir. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetler personelinden bu süreçte görevden alınanlara dair tablolar oluşturulmuş ve bu değişim daha görünür kılınmıştır. Mevcut verilerin olgunlaşma teorisi çerçevesinde analiziyle


The July 15 coup attempt has a strategic preliminary indication of which factors are more effective in shaping the political and bureaucratic structure in Turkey. In particular, the organization /organizations that have entered into the army and have camouflaged themselves in a very good way shows the importance of the case via the delegated legislation enforced in scope of emergency state both during attempt of coup and after coup. There may be many reasons of mentioned event. However, in terms of management sciences, it is necessary to examine this subject in the context of Chris Argyris "Maturation Theory". The aim of this study is to analyze, especially based on dismissals issued in the Turkish Armed Forces after July, 2016 management principles and practices of the related institutions within the framework of maturation theory. Therefore, the basic principles and determinations of Argyris' maturation theory were discussed firstly. Then, based on the Decree Laws of the State of Emergency issued in 2016 and other official sources dismissals from the Turkish Armed Forces in this period, and data on the imports, comparison and calculations are made and revealed. Both the literature review and the official sources were collected. From the personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces, tables were drawn up for those who were taken in the process and this change was made more visible. Some results have been achieved by analysis of the present data within the framework of maturation theory. Finally, a number of determinations were made and some suggestions related to the topic were developed It is very important to examine the effects of the developments after the extraordinary Halin declaration on the Turkish Armed Forces in order to combat terrorism, especially the Parallel State Constitution. The Turkish Armed Forces are at the forefront of the organization, which focuses on this last terrorist organization and which has emerged from the group that is attempting to strike, and which has a staff that is struggling with it even after the coup attempt. Since the announcement of the State of Emergency, there is a large number of personnel who have managed to conceal themselves in this organization, which has entered into a struggle with such a terrorist organization.In this context, thousands of military personnel, generals, admirals, officers and officers have been abolished. The issue of exports has reached very serious figures and the figure, especially the proportion, has grown even more, especially at the command level. These have been removed from the profession and various measures have been introduced. The July 15 coup attempt has a strategic preliminary indication of which factors are more effective in shaping the political and bureaucratic structure in Turkey. In particular, the organization /organizations that have entered into the army and have camouflaged themselves in a very good way shows the importance of the case via the delegated legislation enforced in scope of emergency state both during attempt of coup and after coup. There may be many reasons of mentioned event. However, in terms of management sciences, it is necessary to examine this subject in the context of Chris Argyris "Maturation Theory". The aim of this study is to analyze, especially based on dismissals issued in the Turkish Armed Forces after July, 2016 management principles and practices of the related institutions within the framework of maturation theory. Therefore, the basic principles and determinations of Argyris' maturation theory were discussed firstly. Then, based on the Decree Laws of the State of Emergency issued in 2016 and other official sources dismissals from the Turkish Armed Forces in this period, and data on the imports, comparison and calculations are made and revealed. Both the literature review and the official sources were collected. From the personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces, tables were drawn up for those who were taken in the process and this change was made more visible. Some results have been achieved by analysis of the present data within the framework of maturation theory. Finally, a number of determinations were made and some suggestions related to the topic were developed. It is one of the rare problems encountered in the history of Turkish State and Democracy. Even though democracy is not as bright as our past, we have seen many blows, but no direct attack on the lives of citizens, martyrdom of hundreds of people, injuries of thousands of people, and most importantly the attack on the Millet Assembly it is unprecedented. Therefore, this initiative has had high material and spiritual destruction to the country. If we look only at the data on the personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces between 1 July 2016 to 1 March 2017; In this period, general-admiral was 358 and became 157 people has decreased by 43.85%, officer has decreased by %35.04 with 13769 people, non-commissioned officer has decreased by 33.54% with 32332 people and in Turkish Armed Forces the general + officer + petty officer has decreased by 34% with 46258 people in total. While the total number of Turkish Armed Forces personnel 570111 on 1 July 2016, it sharply decreased to 391695 on 9 September 2016. However, this situation is mostly due to the fact that the General Command of the Gendarmerie is attached to the Ministry of Interior by the Decree 668 of the law and that the personnel of the General Command of the Gendarmerie is not added to the account when giving the number of the Turkish Armed Forces personnel. From July 2016 until July 31, 2017, the provisions of the Decree Law issued in the course of the Turkish Armed Forces is; 161 of the 358 general-admirals by 44,97%, 5,402 of the 39,287 officers by 13,75%, 3141 of the 96,391 non-commissioned officers by 3.26% and totally 8703 of the 136036 general + officer + petty officer by 6.40% in Turkish Armed Forces. All of this is the only loss of qualifications in terms of number of qualified staff. The real loss is the loss of image and security that the country has lived in international relations. Moreover, the struggle initiated in this process and the loss of the use of public resources is a separate situation. At the same time, all of this has led to many misunderstandings in the country. Although most of the measures that need to be taken are politically weighted, it has also led to the opportunity to go over the subject scientifically and to identify the problem in the scientific direction and to produce scientific solutions to the problem. This is also the reason why Chris Argyris' theory of maturity is on the axis. Argyris explains that individuals can make the right decisions in the organizational environment and display correct behaviors with the concept of maturity. The maturation of the individual also depends on the availability of values that the individual is based on the potential and the institution. The theorist suggested that the seven variables are the factors that illuminate the maturation concept of the person. The cultures and personality norms of individuals also influence the maturation variables. According to Argyris, very few people have access to full genre. The form of governance implemented in organizations is one of the main factors impeding maturation. Because employees are not given the chance to control themselves and their surroundings, they are encouraged to be passive and supremely dependent subordinates. Powers and responsibilities are at the hands of several people at the top management level, and subordinates are strictly controlled by the formal organizational structure (work department, command chain, management association). The work department makes work overrepetitive, routine and boring. Thus, subordinates become passive and dependent persons who only fulfill orders and take decisions on their job rights from their supervisors. Chris Argyris's theory gives us an idea of the importance of mental maps of our employees and how the nature of organizations can trigger the use of such maps. It is therefore necessary to understand individuals' mental maps of the reciprocal relationship between the institution and its members in order to manage people effectively and to ensure organizational effectiveness. An institutional culture should be established in which the people in the upper level are honest and the subordinates are not always covered by the deficiencies and failures promoted by honesty. In this corporate culture, privacy must be minimized and transparency must always be rewarded. The needs and psychology of the quiche should not be ignored, the maximization of the contribution of individuals to institutional success must be calculated and, above all, an exemplary leader behavior should be displayed, not an authoritarian ruler. We are dominant in the management of the Turkish Armed Forces, especially in all public institutions. The traditional management approach that has been going on for years has to be abandoned, and modern management concepts that are unique to the fabric of our nationality should be applied instead. The staff pushed into this background before the struggle with the extraordinary state or the parallel terrorist organization are able to realize themselves when they are given responsibility as Argyris suggests to remove the negatives in the administration and when they are given the confidence and ability to act on their own when they are trusted, Degree of activity. This period has proven to us. In addition, the chances of success in further exams for career stages will be much greater, and their maturity will be proven again and again. Perhaps the apology from these responsible staff, which the administration has been talking about later, is essential. Another factor is that when performing staff planning, the officers should know where they serve, at least they should calculate the possible losses of the state with extra planning.
