REVIEW: Extramural English in Teaching and Learning: From Theory and Research to Practice

English holds a lingua franca status all around the world and with its increasing popularity in almost all fields, efforts to learn English has gained an unprecedented momentum in recent years. Although teaching and learning languages may take place in schools as part of a formal course, this formal training process is mostly not sufficient and satisfying for many learners. Today learners can practice their target language outside the school thanks to the development of technological tools and the ease of access to the opportunities provided by technology. Especially recent trends like Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL), distance education, and flipped learning are all fruits of technology integration into education and mainly serve to enhance learner autonomy. Under this framework, Extramural English in Teaching and Learning: From Theory and Research to Practice is a recent book that aims to examine the current extramural dimension of teaching and learning English from a theory-practice perspective.


  • Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE April 2019 ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 20 Number: 2 Book Review 2