REVIEW: Against the Tide: Critics of Digitalisation; Warners, Sceptics, Scaremongers, Apocalypticists, 20 Portraits

Öz People are overwhelmed by the technology. We use them in every phase of our lives: while shopping, communicating, learning, exercising and many more. Thanks to digital technologies, we have an easier and happier life, but is it really so? After all, can we imagine a right without left, a sun without moon, water without fire, love without hate, life without death, a digitalization without corruption?
Anahtar Kelimeler:



Peters, O. (2013). Against the Tide: Critics of Digitalisation; Warners, Sceptics, Scaremongers, Apocalypticists; 20 Portraits. BIS-Verlag der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Univ Oldenburg.