Profile of The UWI Distance Learners:
The Implications For Online Curriculum Development, 
Teaching And Learning At The University

The purpose of this study was to create a more recent profile of the UWI distance learners as a follow up to a study undertaken in 2000, and, based on the profile created, discuss the implications for online curriculum development, teaching and learning at the University. Data on four descriptive characteristics were collected from UWI distance students in two courses in the B. Sc Management Studies degree programme. Comparisons were made with trends in the field spanning the last decade as well as with a 2000 research and development project which examined the use of ICTs and highlighted the critical components necessary for the introduction of full online teaching and learning into the UWI’s distance education programmes. The findings of the present study suggest that there has been no significant change in the demographic, motivational and experiential characteristics of the UWI distance learner over the past decade. They also suggest a new trend in the inhibitory characteristics during this period.