The purpose of this study was to design an online professional development program and evaluate the developed course in light of the implementation results. This course provided teachers with the opportunity to develop an ICT-enhanced lesson plan and apply it in their own classes. The current study was conducted using design-based research. Of the 171 teachers registered, 47 participated and 36 completed the full course and received certificates. The self-assessment of the 36 teachers on their ICT-enhanced classroom practices were used in the evaluation of the course. Second, teacher opinions were also solicited via the Teachers’ End-of-course Evaluation Questionnaire. Third, the course was evaluated using a rubric by the instructors. According to the results, the self-assessments of teachers on ICT-integration were high. The satisfaction of the teachers with the open online course was also very high, with 97% recommending the course. The course was evaluated as “exemplary” in terms of Learner Support & Resources, Online Organization & Design, and Instructional Design & Delivery categories, and as “effective” in the rubric’s Assessment & Evaluation of Student Learning, Innovative Teaching with Technology, and Faculty Use of Student Feedback categories. Future implementations could be revised by increasing interaction and feedback and providing additional implementation opportunities for the teachers.


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