For individuals who form the society to live in harmony, they need to acquire a set of values such as love, respect, tolerance and honesty. To create a society with individuals having these characteristics, value education should be carefully planned and implemented. Students who study in the Distance Learning MA Program on Character and Value Education, are expected to stimulate various feelings, thoughts, values and behaviours in their families, friends, colleagues and immediate environments, starting from themselves. The aim of this qualitative study is to reveal to what extent the students reflected the outcomes they gained in the program to themselves, their families, immediate environments and the society. The participants were 22 students studying in the Distance Learning MA Program on Character and Value Education at Anadolu University, Turkey. The data were collected through a data-collection form consisting of openended questions. Descriptive analysis was performed for data analysis. The results of the study showed that the students who attended the Distance Learning MA Program on Character and Value Education gained certain benefits for themselves, which were also reflected to their families and immediate environments as well as the country and the world. Various suggestions were offered in accordance with the results of the study.


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