Checklist of Questidae (Clitellata) and Aeolosomatidae (Oligochaeta) from South America

The faunistic assemblage of basal clitellates in South America presently has 2 marine species (Questa media Westheide, 1981 and Aeolosoma maritimum dubiosum Westheide & Schmidt, 1974), and 15 species of freshwater aeolosomatids: A. aureum Marcus, 1944; A. beddardi Michaelsen, 1900; A. corderoi Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1944; A. evelinae Marcus, 1944; A. flavum Stolc, 1903; A. gertae Marcus, 1944; A. headleyi Beddard, 1888; A. hemprichi Ehrenberg, 1831; A. hyalinum Bunke, 1967; A. marcusi Van der Land, 1971; A. sawayai Marcus, 1944; A. travancorense Aiyer, 1926; A. variegatum Vejdovsky, 1884; and A. viride Stephenson, 1911, and Hystricosoma pictum Schmarda, 1861, species inquirenda. Eight of these are known only from South America.

Checklist of Questidae (Clitellata) and Aeolosomatidae (Oligochaeta) from South America

The faunistic assemblage of basal clitellates in South America presently has 2 marine species (Questa media Westheide, 1981 and Aeolosoma maritimum dubiosum Westheide & Schmidt, 1974), and 15 species of freshwater aeolosomatids: A. aureum Marcus, 1944; A. beddardi Michaelsen, 1900; A. corderoi Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1944; A. evelinae Marcus, 1944; A. flavum Stolc, 1903; A. gertae Marcus, 1944; A. headleyi Beddard, 1888; A. hemprichi Ehrenberg, 1831; A. hyalinum Bunke, 1967; A. marcusi Van der Land, 1971; A. sawayai Marcus, 1944; A. travancorense Aiyer, 1926; A. variegatum Vejdovsky, 1884; and A. viride Stephenson, 1911, and Hystricosoma pictum Schmarda, 1861, species inquirenda. Eight of these are known only from South America.


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