The effect of tannin extract and n-3 fatty acid source on nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites, enzyme activity, and ruminal parameters of lactating ewes

The effect of tannin extract and n-3 fatty acid source on nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites, enzyme activity, and ruminal parameters of lactating ewes

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of tannin extract and n-3 fatty acid supplementation on nutrient digestibility, ruminalparameters, blood metabolites, and enzyme activity in lactating ewes. Thirty-six lactating ewes were allocated to 6 experimental groups.The dietary treatments were as follows: 1) control, 2) diet supplemented with 2% dry matter (DM) oak leaf tannin extract, 3) dietsupplemented with 2% DM grape pomace tannin extract, 4) diet supplemented with 2% DM linseed oil, 5) diet supplemented with 2%DM oak leaf tannin extract and 2% DM linseed oil, and 6) diet supplemented with 2% DM grape pomace tannin extract and 2% DMlinseed oil. The results showed the significant effects of treatments on final body weight, digestibility, and some blood metabolites (P


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